Junior/Youth "Ref this pitch is too big, my players are getting out of breath"


I'll take a tough game over an easy game any day!!
Level 4 Referee
Interesting one on Saturday. U12's game and mid way through the second half, player goes down injured. I stop play, looks like hes holding his chest, go over and wave the physio on. Before treating his player, he looks up at me and states "ref this pitch is far too big, my players are out of breath because of it" i remind him hes there to treat the player, the manager comes onto the pitch to assist him but says the same thing, i tell him that the league have authorised this field as a suitable field of play and have inspected it, as i was there when they did. Just wondering, what everyone elses best phrases/excuses theyve had off a team?
A&H International
I had a team a couple of weeks ago who won the toss and decided to play into the wind in the first half thinking it would give them an advantage in the second.

Wind changed direction just after second half kicked off so they were kicking into a very stong wind for the whole game. They lost 3-0.

After the game skipper of that team says in a serious manner I should have told them not to swap after half time 'so it was fair'.

I told him of my many talents controlling or predicting the force of nature isn't one of them. :D:rolleyes:
Interesting one on Saturday. U12's game and mid way through the second half, player goes down injured. I stop play, looks like hes holding his chest, go over and wave the physio on. Before treating his player, he looks up at me and states "ref this pitch is far too big, my players are out of breath because of it" i remind him hes there to treat the player, the manager comes onto the pitch to assist him but says the same thing, i tell him that the league have authorised this field as a suitable field of play and have inspected it, as i was there when they did. Just wondering, what everyone elses best phrases/excuses theyve had off a team?

...what were the dimensions of the pitch out of interest?
I can't remember exactly ... I've got them wrote down in my diary(how sad) and my bed is too warm to leave :) I'll tell you tomorrow
I apologise, I was looking at the wrong page, there's two pitches next to each other at this vene, I looked at wrong dimension, your correct and the actual pitch size is 80X50, that's what I get for looking in the dark :)
I just love when coaches think that referees can make calls like stopping a match because a pitch authorized by the League is too big in their opinion
I just love when coaches think that referees can make calls like stopping a match because a pitch authorized by the League is too big in their opinion

Would help if I could look at the correct page ;)
Shouldn't the o/p be considered more along the lines of safeguarding than merely an 'excuse'

Yes, 80 x 50 is the f.a. sanctioned pitch size but suggesting to the manager and the 'physio' that they should certainly raise their concerns with their league and that you would mention their concerns in your match report might be a better way of dealing with this rather than the way that you dealt with it as per your o/p

Just a thought
I completely take your point @haywain but they had no concerns prior to ko, or the 1st half. As far as I'm aware, that's the first team to complain about the pitch. I've never had any concerns when officiating there before. I've also emailed the league and requested a inspection too.
Or maybe the coach needs to incorporate some fitness training into his regime......

Ridiculous complaint no doubt made by a typical wrap them in cotton wool manager who believes that the slightest amount of contact on one of his players is a foul........
You're right there I think KB, I don't know whether we as referees can stopa game in progress if we realise the FOP is the wrong size? Anyone know the rules?
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Unless it is obviously way to big or small you are very unlikely to have a measuring device with you to check.

I like what @KB did, finish the game and request a league inspection. Leave those responsible for such things do their job.
There is definitely a safeguarding issue here, irregardless of the size of the pitch and whatever the league or the LOTG says.

If the pitch is indeed way too big then hopefully it can be managed by roll on/roll off subs at that age, although we have to remember that we are dealing with children here, and relatively young ones at that. I agree with @Padfoot in that many coaches can be over protective but as a referee if there is a genuine concern in my mind that the pitch is too large for young players than I wouldn't continue. Safety of children is absolutely paramount, no ifs no buts. Even though it's unlikely that a child is going to run themselves into the ground and collapse, the danger is if we ignore the coaches/parents/whoever's concerns and follow the lines of 'the league says it's ok so on we go' and something does happen then obviously that's a serious problem.

Don't even know what i'm really trying to say here, i'm waffling :rolleyes:, I suppose we need to just remember that if we are dealing with children then we have a duty of care for their well-being first and foremost and not for getting a final result out of the match. Sounds you dealt with it well though!
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Totally agree with you @heedmatt you have seen some of the pitches in the north east ;) however this is the first team to complain and at the time I was more concerned about the player on the floor and was a little confused to why the coach wanted to raise his issues half way through the second half and especially when he was there to give treatment to a player
Yeah I agree, the timing of the coach's complaint makes it look a bit like sour grapes, especially if his team is losing!
Right....FA Guidelines state max pitch size for 9v9 is 80x50....pitch was 80x50....where is the problem?

If the coach can't be arsed to train his kids properly i.e. prepare them to play on the max size pitch, the fault is not with the pitch.....

Report the coach to the County Welfare Officer.....