Ever get that feeling?


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
Do we ever get that feeling of not wanting to do that game?
Waking up and thinking to yourself I can't be arsed today...

How do we get through it? Had it quite a few times recently
A&H International
I've had it once, and it ended up pretty badly - 6 yellows and a straight red (player who was sent off was charged with technical assault about a month after the incident and got a 42 day ban for it). Then again, it was probably because I had to get 2 trains and then do a half hour walk to just get there... :D My advice is to just think 'turn up and it'll all be alright'. It's the thought of doing it thats worse than the actual thing itself (usually!) My advice is to just brave it, be determined to absolutely smash it and 9/10 it'll all go to plan and your motivation will be back. If not, a 2 week break will leave you itching to get back into the middle - I'm hoping my games on tomorrow - had to go without football last week because I just happened to be in New York!
I've had it once, and it ended up pretty badly - 6 yellows and a straight red (player who was sent off was charged with technical assault about a month after the incident and got a 42 day ban for it). Then again, it was probably because I had to get 2 trains and then do a half hour walk to just get there... :D My advice is to just think 'turn up and it'll all be alright'. It's the thought of doing it thats worse than the actual thing itself (usually!) My advice is to just brave it, be determined to absolutely smash it and 9/10 it'll all go to plan and your motivation will be back. If not, a 2 week break will leave you itching to get back into the middle - I'm hoping my games on tomorrow - had to go without football last week because I just happened to be in New York!

Game went okay if i'm honest, played alot of advantage and had 2 happy teams at the end of the game, it was a game that I couldn't be arsed with but as I was told just before KO it was a 3rd v 4th and that gave me abit of motivation for the game.

It was a good game; just think i've done too many games recently that mentally i need a week off:)