A "Farting" noise

A&H International
For me IDFK for USB... and as he actually done it in his ear a nice yellow card.......
It's a yellow card for USB, the IDFK is incidental. There's no such thing as giving just a free kick, direct or otherwise, for unsporting behaviour.

Is there actually a Law for mine though? i looked through the LOTG and can't find where it says a player can't say mine?

The tutor on our course also said there is no law which stops a player from saying mine?

I know i sound thick... actually... I am thick!
He means (or at least I assume he means) when a player verbally distracts an opponent by saying 'Mine'! Not an offence in itself of course - and players wrongly believing an opponent can't call 'Mine' doesn't count as being verbally distracted! :p
@Paul_Jones How you've described it in your last post is completely different to the picture you portrayed in the OP. Only option can be IDFK and caution. You made it sound like no one had a clue about the noise apart from yourself.
The offence happened before the shot went out of play, idfk.
The IDFK is to restart play if the play is stopped to caution the player. If the ball went out then that's not the case.
As it transpired the ball did not go out, so IDFK following a caution is the correct restart.
The IDFK is to restart play if the play is stopped to caution the player. If the ball went out then that's not the case.
As it transpired the ball did not go out, so IDFK following a caution is the correct restart.

And, just to make sure everything is crystal clear, if the offence occurred while the ball was in play but the ball went out before the ref had the chance to react (and this is where you'd 'wait and see', but if the shot is skewed you'd put it due to the offence), then because you're going back to the in-play offence you're still 'stopping play'. Because you're kind of rewinding time a little (hey, who ever said referees weren't omnipotent?)
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The IDFK is to restart play if the play is stopped to caution the player. If the ball went out then that's not the case.
As it transpired the ball did not go out, so IDFK following a caution is the correct restart.

What Law 12 actually says -
LOTG: Law 12 said:
"an IDFK is awarded to the opposing team if, in the opinion of the referee, a player;"

- commits any other offence, not previously mentioned in law 12, for which play is stopped to caution or send off a player

Slight, but important difference.

The referee doesn't want to create a no win situation for him/her self here. The conditions are met for verbally distracted an opponent whilst the ball is in play - however, the attacker still gets the shot off. What are you going to do? You cant be 100% sure where the ball will end up, so do you blow the whistle straight away to stop play with the ball in flight or wait for the outcome of the shot and have the ball oiut of play - which you seem to be suggesting means goal kick but still a caution? For the record for new referees reading - NEVER stop play with the ball mid-flight (unless it is the attacking team who has committed an offence of course :) ) it will end in tears!

The distracting offence has already happened - so as long as there is no significant time delay between the offence and the shot just go back for the IDFK and the caution as you have not played advantage (it takes some time to get the whistle to your mouth!). That would be my take on it.
@Paul_Jones How you've described it in your last post is completely different to the picture you portrayed in the OP. Only option can be IDFK and caution. You made it sound like no one had a clue about the noise apart from yourself.
No one had a clue about the decision, not the noise. i should of explained that better. glad its provoked some discussion! I honestly thought i'd seen it all in football through playing, coaching, watching.... and then i started refereeing!
Giving decisions that no one has a scooby about and no one is expecting.

I tried to advise a defender the other week whilst on a supply league line, biggest mistake I could have done. Got in to an almighty argument with the defending team and got given grief by the attacking team for not giving (cos they all know the law now I've mentioned it)
The referee asked me what that was about at half time, so I told him.
The look he gave me!! To say the very least he wouldn't have been happy if I would have flagged!!
Right or wrong, no one is expecting those sort of decisions.
Personally I hate it when players do this as they know damn well they are doing it to put some one off, funny how they don't appeal for these but as soon as some one says "my ball" "leave it" they're all up in arms about it
What's the saying??
No surprises ???
Hmmm - that is no surprises unless an assessor is watching who knows the Lotg, spots what happened and marks you down for having no balls (lol okay maybe not that) in not giving a decision. ;)

Refereeing is sometimes knowing you are making an unpopular decision but giving it anyway; because it is what you have seen and what the Lotg dictate. :)