Advice please

Chris Smith

So today's game the following happened........

56 minutes in to the game an attacker had the ball between the 18 yard box and corner flag, as his shirt got pulled he passed the ball and was a clear shot on goal so I played advantage that led to a goal. The attacker then called the defender a complete c$%t more than once, after watching the goal calibration I sent the attacker off for OFFINABUS as there was also kids in listening range. Firstly did I get this correct?

IMO calling someone the c word is a red for me, what are your opinions on that and what would you do?

After the game the player I sent off asked me not to send the red card in as he would miss the next game, once I said I report all my cards, he then asked if I would send it as a yellow and not a red. I have never reported a player for this and what should I put to report the player for this?

I am down for positive as well as negative with this as I am still learning so I won't take it to heart.

A&H International
No problem with the red at all. Would you have made the same call of tgere weren't any kids nearby?

And ignore any calls to not send it in / send in as yellow.

As for the report say something like "in the 59th minute of the game the above named player called an apponant a c-nt (make sure you report exactly what he said and how) on numerous occasions. As a result I dismissed him for using offensive language"

Hope that helps!
Kids or not the c*nt word gets a red from me.

Misconduct report for asking that you do not send it in and then that you downgrade it on report. That's worth an extra week or two out of football.

I think you were looking for the word celebration not calibration.
And ignore any calls to not send it in / send in as yellow.
I hope by ignore you mean do not agree with or go along with but still send in the report and report for misconduct?

Did you enjoy working with the Sec of my RA yesterday?
Oh yes! Ignore the appeals to not send it in and send in additional report.

That was Craig I presume? Was a comfortable game and he, and Christine, both performed well. Shame it was so one sided bit that's how they go sometimes!
Oh yes! Ignore the appeals to not send it in and send in additional report.

That was Craig I presume? Was a comfortable game and he, and Christine, both performed well. Shame it was so one sided bit that's how they go sometimes!
Christine is our Secretary. She said you were very calm.
Ah! Yeah that's my style, I'm a pretty laid back guy and that transfers pretty well into my reffing!
did the defender who did the pulling get any kind of sanction?

Otherwise, everything I would say has been said above :)
A public word can be enough.

It's boxing clever sometimes; if needed you can lean towards a "soft" caution to the defender for this kind of offence (where the offended against player has reacted and gotten himself sent off) just as a public show that you have taken action against both parties. Not to say that is what you should have done, but it is something which could be used depending on the temperature of the game at the time.