Man City vs Monaco


Retired big bad baldy in all black!
No shortage of incidents already...

Very close call for offside on Sterling's goal, Aguero yellow carded for simulation when City believed they should have had a penalty, Falcao's abysmal penalty saved by Caballero...
A&H International
I'm waiting to read what our resident blue nose has to say about the game. Obviously there were at least 3 fouls on City players which led to goals for Monaco and the poor refereeing failed to spot them.
Was a fantastic game from the neutral point of view...lots of incidents.

Aguero simulation was a fantastic call you can see his feet leaving the ground long before contact made..finally a referee who has the bxlls to call it! Listening to the pundits at half time I near threw my beer at the screen they were talking such total and utter crap! yes he touches the ball...but it was a nailed on penalty....why wasn't Howard on last night he busy getting Clatts settled in Dubai?
(scroll to second screen)

Aguero "dive" at 7.30 (GK gets slight touch, Aguero does what most would do, make the most of an attempted trip); Monaco penalty at 11.05 (can't tell from those clips what contact there was on man or ball), Sterling claim at 16.52 (never thought that was at the time).

No-one else gets soft penalties, do they? (3.10)