Dele Alli


The Persecuted One
Running the "I didn't mean you/wasn't talking to you ref" defence!

Let's see if he gets away with it?
A&H International
I saw it real-time, and must admit that my original thought was along the lines of it can't have been at the referee, he just can't be that stupid. One of those that only he will know, but at the end of the day it was an offensive gesture no matter who it was aimed at.
I think FIFA will ban and/or fine him just to make a point that they can.....prat!!

Depends on what the referee reports as I understand it. If he says he saw it there's nothing FIFA can do, as ridiculous as that is.

He's an amazing talent, why he has to do something like that, and let's face it he has done stupid things before, is totally beyond me. In contrast you look at Rashford, who arguably has even more talent, and he comes across as a nice kid that might live next door to you.
Bring the game into disrepute?? Easy guilty charge......There are lots of things that referees miss and they still get pulled over the coals for!!! Surely we've moved beyond the ref missed it stuff!!!
Bring the game into disrepute?? Easy guilty charge......There are lots of things that referees miss and they still get pulled over the coals for!!! Surely we've moved beyond the ref missed it stuff!!!

You've misunderstood me. If the referee missed it then they can take action, but if he says he saw it and took no action they are powerless, would be the same if he had yellow carded for it.
You've misunderstood me. If the referee missed it then they can take action, but if he says he saw it and took no action they are powerless, would be the same if he had yellow carded for it.
Thats fine RR but there are also occurrences of cards being upgraded too, Ben Thatcher Etc......
Thats fine RR but there are also occurrences of cards being upgraded too, Ben Thatcher Etc......

That was the FA, not FIFA. The FA took the view that it was so severe that even FIFA wouldn't apply their "re-refereeing" rules. So they took a gamble of defying FIFA and got away with it.

This was upgraded from Nothing to 3 match. How Halsey can spout off in the papers now is beyond me... he missed this!!

But, and I am repeating myself, it was only upgraded because the referee missed it. Had he yellow carded it the FA wouldn't have been able to do anything.

For what it is worth I don't agree with this rule, but that is what it is currently.
Thats fine RR but there are also occurrences of cards being upgraded too, Ben Thatcher Etc......
As far as I recall, there is no "Ben Thatcher etc" - there was just Ben Thatcher. No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was a one-off (and justified by the FA as being a "truly exceptional incident") unless my memory is playing tricks on me.
The Football Association believes it can prove Dele Alli was not directing a one-finger salute at the referee during Monday’s World Cup qualifying victory over Slovakia and will support the midfielder if contacted by Fifa about the incident.....
..... The FA has already unearthed a closer camera shot, which has not been made public, which would back up Alli’s explanation and, if requested, will make it available to world football’s governing body in an attempt to prevent Alli being sanctioned.

A couple of quote from this article published this morning in the Guardian.

Absolutely disgraceful that the FA are seeking to support Alli and defend his actions. Could not get a clearer case of OFFINABUS.

This is why RESPECT will never work......until grassroots players see the elite getting punished for offences like this, they will continue to emulate their heroes.

An absolute betrayal of referees and the LOTG.
But, and I am repeating myself, it was only upgraded because the referee missed it. Had he yellow carded it the FA wouldn't have been able to do anything.

For what it is worth I don't agree with this rule, but that is what it is currently.

It was only upgraded - according to Halsey - because Halsey was told to say he'd missed the incident entirely.
In any case there was a change in the regulations after this incident allowing more leeway when the referee only has a partial view of the incident
As far as I recall, there is no "Ben Thatcher etc" - there was just Ben Thatcher. No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it was a one-off (and justified by the FA as being a "truly exceptional incident") unless my memory is playing tricks on me.

Exactly, I can't think of many, if any, other incidents like that.
The FA, Southgate and the player will be getting a bit jittery on the outcome of all of this and that's probably why all the pathetic excuses are being peddled.
No idea how long the ban would be, or could be, but the fact is he's looking at missing possibly 1 or more games at the World Cup next year and the chances of him being available for the next 2 group qualifiers look slim indeed.
If he's proven guilty, a two-game ban will look like a cop out by FIFA so, a long ban is likely. Any ban longer than 2 will see him miss group games (assuming England qualify without the playoffs) so, if he gets 4 or 5 would Southgate even take him?
A talented prat but he should wise up to the charges and consider what's best.
The FA, Southgate and the player will be getting a bit jittery on the outcome of all of this and that's probably why all the pathetic excuses are being peddled.
No idea how long the ban would be, or could be, but the fact is he's looking at missing possibly 1 or more games at the World Cup next year and the chances of him being available for the next 2 group qualifiers look slim indeed.
If he's proven guilty, a two-game ban will look like a cop out by FIFA so, a long ban is likely. Any ban longer than 2 will see him miss group games (assuming England qualify without the playoffs) so, if he gets 4 or 5 would Southgate even take him?
A talented prat but he should wise up to the charges and consider what's best.

i'd expect a three game ban, putting him out of the first world cup group game

a talented prat is a good way of putting it, much like many top players, he has a dark side and sometimes that helps his in game performance, and in others it leads to atrocious tackles or offinabus. one of those things that his team will have to live with to have him in the team.
The FA, Southgate and the player will be getting a bit jittery on the outcome of all of this and that's probably why all the pathetic excuses are being peddled.
No idea how long the ban would be, or could be, but the fact is he's looking at missing possibly 1 or more games at the World Cup next year and the chances of him being available for the next 2 group qualifiers look slim indeed.
If he's proven guilty, a two-game ban will look like a cop out by FIFA so, a long ban is likely. Any ban longer than 2 will see him miss group games (assuming England qualify without the playoffs) so, if he gets 4 or 5 would Southgate even take him?
A talented prat but he should wise up to the charges and consider what's best.
anything over a 3 match ban would be over kill. Let's be right it wasn't the crime of the century was it