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    • JamesL
      JamesL reacted to OldNavyRef's post in the thread Working has a team of 3 with Like Like.
      That video of Madley's pre-match instructions is really good, but it is extremely long. He is putting on a bit of an act for the cameras...
    • JamesL
      JamesL reacted to RustyRef's post in the thread MOAS Types with Like Like.
      And I think 3E is assistant on National League Premier
    • JamesL
      JamesL reacted to David G's post in the thread 4th Official duties confirmed... with Like Like.
      I think the important thing is, is that there are 4th officials at this level of football. There are many occasions when the games go...
    • JamesL
      JamesL reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread LAw question non deliberate Hand ball with Haha Haha.
      I have a feeling @JamesL will chuckle when he sees this question. Also, to the OP - are you on CORE?
    • JamesL
      🤐 Ps good news when the thread is done I will provide the answer I have already sought from IFAB on similar scenario.
    • JamesL
      JamesL reacted to ARF's post in the thread POAK v Borac BangaLuka with Love Love.
      Clearly not a deliberate handball, and hands/arms are in a natural position for the player's movement, i.e. attempting to protect...
    • JamesL
      JamesL replied to the thread POAK v Borac BangaLuka.
      First of all, without looking at the video, I would never give a caution, simply, for deliberate handball. Deliberate handball is not a...
    • JamesL
      JamesL reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread Car share etiquette with Like Like.
      I'm gonna be controversial here. For me, if all 3 officials are paid a flat fee, if you're car sharing and it's the referee driving...
    • JamesL
      JamesL replied to the thread Car share etiquette.
      If you stop for a coffee then get the coffees. I have never asked for, taken, or offered money when joint travelling even when on flat...
    • JamesL
      JamesL replied to the thread Fitness test.
      There's not much that can be done for short term, but longer term strength training, plyometrics, aerobic and anaerobic conditioning...
    • JamesL
      JamesL reacted to Quarryref's post in the thread Fitness test with Like Like.
      This is good advice. Not much you can do about your top speed, but most people have significant gains they can make by tidying up...
    • JamesL
      JamesL replied to the thread MOAS Types.
      You would be eligible... Are you a specialist AR? Because usually this round is L4 with county referees on the line so as a 4SAR...
    • JamesL
      Number of and Location of defenders means this isn't a DOGSO for me. Caution correct sanction.
    • JamesL
      JamesL reacted to one's post in the thread Sin Bins with Like Like.
      I was about to post this. There was some stats on how many decisions a referee makes during the course a game, can't remember but it...
    • JamesL
      JamesL replied to the thread New kit - which badge?!.
      🤔 Think they had to specify a colour or say any colour is fine. AFAIK it's any colour down here.
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