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      ladbroke8745 reacted to one's post in the thread Micro shin pads with Like Like.
      This is not a PC term! 😁
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      ladbroke8745 replied to the thread Micro shin pads.
      I had the unfortunate experience of falling down a manhole beside an AstroTurf once where the corner of the cover slice through my leg...
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      ladbroke8745 replied to the thread ENG V SUI.
      Schar being lucky with persistent fouling following his earlier caution
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      ladbroke8745 replied to the thread ENG V SUI.
      Referee now missed a blatant handball.
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      ladbroke8745 replied to the thread ENG V SUI.
      Throw in given when ball not out...
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      ladbroke8745 reacted to cwyeary's post in the thread Euros 2024 with Like Like.
      The euros are pretty much the only one that doesn't do it.
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      ladbroke8745 replied to the thread Euros 2024.
      Thought there was. My mistake. Is it only a world cup that does it?
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      ladbroke8745 reacted to RefIADad's post in the thread Euros 2024 with Like Like.
      I’m firmly convinced that if Taylor had given a penalty, social media would be in an uproar with the exact opposite argument they are...
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      ladbroke8745 replied to the thread Euros 2024.
      Loads on social media saying Taylor was rubbish and should be sent home.. Now, if England get through to the semi finals, then he will...
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      ladbroke8745 replied to the thread Portugal V France.
      Why is he not penalising the diving? That was horrific.
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      ladbroke8745 replied to the thread Spain V Germany.
      This is something I don't like... Carvajal already suspended for next game and literally takes one for the team with what I'd argue is...
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      ladbroke8745 replied to the thread Mex v Ecu.
      He virtually grabs hold of it doesn't he? If we're using a snicker metre thing to determine if it actually touched the hand (and if...
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      ladbroke8745 replied to the thread FRA v BEL.
      Vertonghen just got a card for a tangle of legs. He was in front of the French player. They fell over. They tangled but no foul there...
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      ladbroke8745 replied to the thread FRA v BEL.
      Referees losing control maybe..
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      ladbroke8745 posted the thread FRA v BEL in As Seen on TV.
      So the French player shouldn't complain like that to the official, so deserved yellow based on new laws and protocols.. But harsh in...
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