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    • lincs22
      lincs22 reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread MOAS appointment with Like Like.
      County badge is better than OK, it's essential for all FA cup competitions (Cup, trophy, vase, youth cup etc) Enjoy the game, I...
    • lincs22
      lincs22 reacted to Ross's post in the thread Refereeing Course Cost with Like Like.
      No idea what you’re talking about. Mine was free! It did take 13 weeks to complete though.
    • lincs22
      lincs22 replied to the thread Wet conditions.
      Don't caution anyone and don't allow goals to be scored. You don't need to write anything down if it is 0-0 ;):confused:
    • lincs22
      lincs22 replied to the thread Promotion Scheme U-Turn.
      The FA are becoming more involved in the 5-4 process. Just found out there is a training course being run by the National FA (rather...
    • lincs22
      lincs22 replied to the thread JPL Reffing.
      Middlesbrough use the North Riding RDO to organise its referees for matches. They tend to appoint to the CORE team. Best starting point...
    • lincs22
      lincs22 replied to the thread Euros 2024.
      I would add Daniel Siebert of Germany into the mix given Germany are out and if Netherlands lose to Türkiye then Danny Makkelie is also...
    • lincs22
      lincs22 replied to the thread Euros 2024.
      A lot less.likely now.
    • lincs22
      lincs22 replied to the thread ENG V SUI.
      He was one of the favourites for the final or semi's, but not sure now. Taylor and Oliver will be coming home with the England win.
    • lincs22
      lincs22 replied to the thread All refs to face fitness tests?.
      This has been a dream of some in the FA and CFA's for numerous years to improve the standard of refereeing,Ike doing a LOTG exam each...
    • lincs22
      lincs22 reacted to RustyRef's post in the thread All refs to face fitness tests? with Like Like.
      Absolutely no chance, they'd lose 50% of referees. They won't even introduce a mandatory LoTG exam for fear of losing referees, and the...
    • lincs22
      lincs22 reacted to es1's post in the thread All refs to face fitness tests? with Like Like.
      really good way to ensure referee numbers drop by a huge percentage overnight
    • lincs22
      lincs22 replied to the thread NEW SIN BINS.
      Why, don't you want a challenging game!!!
    • lincs22
      lincs22 replied to the thread Bel v Svk.
      unfortunately, the way the game is going any hand contact will be a free-kick; same as in hockey where any foot contact is a free-hit. I...
    • lincs22
      lincs22 reacted to cwyeary's post in the thread Spain/Croatia (Oliver) with Like Like.
      The attacker dove instead of kicking the ball into an empty goal. He deserved everything that happened. Based on all current...
    • lincs22
      lincs22 replied to the thread Promotion Scheme U-Turn.
      There are no Step 5/6 clubs within 20 miles of York. We are in a NLS backspot. Other York City, the next highest club in the NLS is our...
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