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      RefereeX reacted to Redref34's post in the thread MOAS appointment with Like Like.
      Congrats same to me!
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      RefereeX reacted to Ross's post in the thread MOAS appointment with Like Like.
      Just had my first MOAS appointment through for the season. Making my debut in the FA cup on the 3rd August. Buzzing!
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      RefereeX reacted to David G's post in the thread 4th Official duties confirmed... with Like Like.
      I think the important thing is, is that there are 4th officials at this level of football. There are many occasions when the games go...
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      RefereeX replied to the thread Open Age First OA game.
      I know this was said tongue in cheek, but in all seriousness, if you're on the senior AR side with dugouts and the dugouts challenge you...
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      I have a feeling @JamesL will chuckle when he sees this question. Also, to the OP - are you on CORE?
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      4th official without comms compared to with comms is a different kettle of fish. You feel so much more part of the team, able to assist...
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      I was under the impression that last season it was 100% observer marks but on the basis that those in the bottom 30% of the club...
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      RefereeX replied to the thread Trainee Ref advice.
      Conversely, I was 26 when I did my course and there was one guy older than me, the rest were all teenagers. I wouldn't let that put you...
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      RefereeX reacted to one's post in the thread POAK v Borac BangaLuka with Like Like.
      Yeah, caution for handball? I thought we settled that debate a long time ago. And if the offence is given, I can't see how a caution can...
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      RefereeX reacted to Quarryref's post in the thread MOAS appointment with Like Like.
      Congratulations ! You should wear your county badge. I suggest you read the competition rules, which will have been sent out with the...
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      RefereeX replied to the thread MOAS appointment.
      There is a heck of a lot, even as you progress to higher levels, that you only know by finding out 😆
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      RefereeX reacted to dylanbailey4444's post in the thread Car share etiquette with Like Like.
      With this one, it’s the other AR, who’s taking me (I’m also an AR). He lives in the village over, so offered.
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      RefereeX replied to the thread Car share etiquette.
      I'm gonna be controversial here. For me, if all 3 officials are paid a flat fee, if you're car sharing and it's the referee driving...
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      RefereeX reacted to george.g's post in the thread Car share etiquette with Haha Haha.
      Knowing you, feel for any ref that has to get in the car with you. £60 penalty. :)
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      RefereeX replied to the thread MOAS appointment.
      County badge is better than OK, it's essential for all FA cup competitions (Cup, trophy, vase, youth cup etc) Enjoy the game, I...
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