Scottish derby weekend.

A&H International
havent seen bobby yet but willie and his team were excellent, when i was liason officer wih ayrshire association i looked after andy mcwilliam ar

when he first became a referee, good bloke
What I find interesting is in my opinion Willie took his time reacting to incidents and let the match flow rather than booking everyone in sight (that spirit of the game mechanic) and I enjoyed his refereeing more.
other wise known as letting the game breathe, it takes skill and experience to know when to eventually get his cards out, willie judged it perfectly today
other wise known as letting the game breathe, it takes skill and experience to know when to eventually get his cards out, willie judged it perfectly today

And I agree with this however regularly (especially in the championship games I attend) he is very quick to his cards rather than letting the game breathe - there is no eventually getting cards out which is what I was impressed with this weekend. He referee'd the game much better this weekend compared to other games.
The better the standard of play, the better Willie referees, not his fault when he does a lower level game that their skill level and discipline is poorer.

Love the linesman here, made it well known what the decision he thought should have been and would be good to see more taking this approach.
i expect it was covered in the prematch instructions but that is why these people are now called assistant referees, and douglas did help willie on that occasion
Love the linesman here, made it well known what the decision he thought should have been and would be good to see more taking this approach.

This is the expectation now for a top level assistant referees (not linesman). Headsets make this a lot easier now, but the AR must get involved if they have information for KMIs. The days of "I call the fouls and you take care of offside" is long gone. An example from MLS last year is the trail AR (at the halfway line) calling a clear PK out of the centers line of sight. It was unusual, but the game needed him to get involved.
What tho if Wiliam saw it and was like, oh, yellow
He cant then say later, I thought yc but AR said red

Willie had nowhere to go

As it is, I agree with red
What tho if Wiliam saw it and was like, oh, yellow
He cant then say later, I thought yc but AR said red

Willie had nowhere to go

Of course he has somewhere to go. He can always go yellow, but when your teammate that your work with week in and week out says "100% red", the referee is going to go red.
willie works witn dougie in europe so he obviously trusts his opinion, but the referee does not have to take the ar advice remember it is only that, advice