Another Serial Moaner?

A&H International
I'm a Notts fan and was at the game. Hard to take but spot on with the penalty.

Not sure where the 7 mins added time came from but it seems our best tactic is to waste time when we get in the lead, even the ball boys are in on the act.

Nolan was moaning about the referee playing about 9 minutes added in the end, when will they learn that it's a MINIMUM of 7 minutes! It was his fault we played the additional 2 anyway because he decided to make a needless substitution.

Seems his only excuse when things don't go his way is to blame the ref
Spot on. Great positioning too.
Can someone tell Nolan this is football not basket or rugby. It's not where the player was standing but where the ball was at contact..

Next time, please don't scratch my tongue when you take the words out of my mouth :wtf: :D :p
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