Open Age Prejudgements on a match

As someone who has a very low tolerance level on the pitch, I find it odd that you are happy to use a derogatory word against fellow referees (Wikipedia says it is derogatory so it must be ...;)). As hard as this may be to believe, your opinion is not always the right one.

Yep, it’s a dichotomy alright......but I think in this instance the need to be honest outweighed the need to spare fragile egos.

As for the rest....don’t be so naive.
A&H International
I find it odd that you are happy to use a derogatory word against fellow referees
I find it odd that you find it odd that Paddy uses derogatory words against fellow referees :) Where have you been since 11 March 2011 (that's when he joined the forum BTW if you are wondering).
As someone who has a very low tolerance level on the pitch, I find it odd that you are happy to use a derogatory word against fellow referees (Wikipedia says it is derogatory so it must be ...;)). As hard as this may be to believe, your opinion is not always the right one.
First time on here? :p Padfoot has often been abusive and bullied others on here and he's driven people away from this forum with his constant bullying. I'm constantly surprised that the moderators are fine with abuse on the forum, given it seems directly contradictory with what we all try to achieve on the field. Well, what most of us try to anyway. Padfoot has bragged about how he belittles the poor victims he assesses on a number of occasions.
There's an easy way to avoid his tripe if you don't want to keep consuming that poison though.
Sorry but @Padfoot is nothing but an honest giver of opinion......the 'derogatory' words are usually deserved.......very rare I've read a post of his that is completely unwarranted....
Are we all so precious that a few home truths are not allowed?
@Padfoot the last bastion of not blowing smoke up everyone's ar5e!
#freethepadfootone, #justiceforpadfooth
First time on here? :p Padfoot has often been abusive and bullied others on here and he's driven people away from this forum with his constant bullying. I'm constantly surprised that the moderators are fine with abuse on the forum, given it seems directly contradictory with what we all try to achieve on the field. Well, what most of us try to anyway. Padfoot has bragged about how he belittles the poor victims he assesses on a number of occasions.
There's an easy way to avoid his tripe if you don't want to keep consuming that poison though.

Ironic much?
Padfoot is the type to sit behind a learner on a road & have his hand stuck to the horn, he would then proceed to overtake shouting the odds out the window.

Closely followed by Minty who would be shouting well you didn’t want him to sugar coat it did you....
I’d prefer to have my error pointed out so I could see how I could do something better next time than be constantly praised and assuming something was correct. Maybe it’s a generational thing, back in my engineering background you were told how to do it and if you did it wrong there was someone more than willing to vocally put you in your place. I’m sure some don’t like PFs tone, but they can’t dislike the usually apt advice.
Padfoot is the type to sit behind a learner on a road & have his hand stuck to the horn, he would then proceed to overtake shouting the odds out the window.

Closely followed by Minty who would be shouting well you didn’t want him to sugar coat it did you....

Nothing could be further from the truth......I am very patient and understanding.....where I do lose some of my fluffiness is when people ask for advice and then proceed to argue or simply dismiss the advice given because it wasn’t what they wanted to hear.
In reality most of the new, invariably young, refs on here just want the rest of us to tell them how fantastic they are and end up flouncing off when someone posts something slightly critical of how they (mis)handled a situation.
The forum wouldn't be interesting in the absence of some harsh words or occasional polarized opinion. I don't think @Ref Luke 2203 was naive in the 'extreme', but i do think that naivety is a common pitfall for us inexperienced officiators
I definitely take on board most advice I get on hear and try to use it where possible. I didnt take anything as harsh and just seen it as direct advice from a more experience ref.

To a certain extent I agree this game would probably not have gone well without a strong approach. I feel I have the ability to react to situations as required dependant on the game. Sign of trouble then it would of been sorted immediately before the same chaos ensued. Learn from past mistakes and taking the advice given onboard and applying it. Game off though so we will have to wait for Chapter 2 of this epic tale.

I wasnt naive heading into this match. Definitely not a 'snowflake' 😂 but at no point was I offended as it was genuine honest clear advice. I agree with Sheff, working in Engineering you get used to that approach and it works to make a point (and Padfoot has definitely done that!).

As refs we will all have to work out what works best for us as individuals. Different refs take diffrrent approaches, some better than others but none necessarily wrong. I appreciate the advice. Thanks all!!!