The Ref Stop

Players swearing at each other!!!!!


New Member
Hi folks

I have recently started refereeing and enjoy it very much. My question is in two parts - if two players are verbally abusing each other with foul language is it always a caution ? If the insults move to threats of physical harm from both players, are we going for dismissals if they don't stop?

Appreciate your help

The Ref Stop
Any player is fair game whether he is an opponent or a team mate... no difference!! Rare for team mates to kick off but it does happen!! Dyer v Bowyer
Think it depends on what type of language in what context.

If it goes ott a yellow card and a word with both players and maybe both captains telling them it stops or they're off.
Hi folks

I have recently started refereeing and enjoy it very much. My question is in two parts - if two players are verbally abusing each other with foul language is it always a caution ? If the insults move to threats of physical harm from both players, are we going for dismissals if they don't stop?

Appreciate your help

In your thread heading you used the word "swearing" which could be anything from a quiet word to a send off depending on other factors and context. However in your description you used both words 'abusing' and 'insult' for context, either of those would be enough to send a player off. regardless of who its said to Law 12.3:


I'd also say generally a referee should use game management skills to intervene early so a verbal confrontation doesn't escalate to threats of physical harm (and what comes after it). Of course that is not always possible but an experienced referee can anticipates it early and use preventative measures.
Whether the players are opponents or on the same team might also be a factor. I think it is human to be more forgiving if team mates have a moment of blamey swearing compared to opponents.
Part of the purpose of a card is to control the match. Players shouldn't be swearing at each other.
But when you have opponents antagonising each other, this can easily escalate into retaliatory attacks - cheap shots in a tackle, off-the-ball shots, squaring up and pushing after a challenge. It can easily escalate and keep escalating. And that's because it inflames the physical contest that occurs in the game.

When teammates are swearing at each other, it's less of an issue - they're not tackling each other, so they're much less likely to boil over. It's very, very rare for it to cause a problem.

And personally, unless it's really crossing the line, I'm not going to intervene. Because if a team wants to self destruct, I think it's unfair to the opponents if I stop that.

But if you believe that the language is starting to cross the line, it's going on too long, or it's getting a bit too aggro, by all means, have a word. You can caution them. I don't believe in the 'you can't caution if they're swearing' - that makes absolutely no sense to me. You're cautioning for the aggression, the inflammatory remarks. Heck, you know what? USB is vague, you can pretty much come up with whatever you want . Sometimes I want to book a player for a particularly tragic haircut....

If it crosses the line into, say, homophobic or racial slurs, then it has to be a red. Threats, you also need to take pretty seriously.
This reminds me, I once heard a player yell out to somebody else (I thought an opponent) "I'll f*** you up you [bundle of sticks]". Immediate red.
"I was talking to my teammate!!"

Still a red either way!
Part of the purpose of a card is to control the match. Players shouldn't be swearing at each other.
But when you have opponents antagonising each other, this can easily escalate into retaliatory attacks - cheap shots in a tackle, off-the-ball shots, squaring up and pushing after a challenge. It can easily escalate and keep escalating. And that's because it inflames the physical contest that occurs in the game.

When teammates are swearing at each other, it's less of an issue - they're not tackling each other, so they're much less likely to boil over. It's very, very rare for it to cause a problem.

And personally, unless it's really crossing the line, I'm not going to intervene. Because if a team wants to self destruct, I think it's unfair to the opponents if I stop that.

But if you believe that the language is starting to cross the line, it's going on too long, or it's getting a bit too aggro, by all means, have a word. You can caution them. I don't believe in the 'you can't caution if they're swearing' - that makes absolutely no sense to me. You're cautioning for the aggression, the inflammatory remarks. Heck, you know what? USB is vague, you can pretty much come up with whatever you want . Sometimes I want to book a player for a particularly tragic haircut....

If it crosses the line into, say, homophobic or racial slurs, then it has to be a red. Threats, you also need to take pretty seriously.
This reminds me, I once heard a player yell out to somebody else (I thought an opponent) "I'll f*** you up you [bundle of sticks]". Immediate red.
"I was talking to my teammate!!"

Still a red either way!

You ridiculed me the other day for saying the card is a control tool, and that you had not heard quote "that rubbish" for years?
So since the weekend the card is now a control tool?
I’ve double yellowed for handbags between friends.... they do look surprised when the cards come out as they think it’s a free one because it’s a team mate! Bless!
You ridiculed me the other day for saying the card is a control tool, and that you had not heard quote "that rubbish" for years?
So since the weekend the card is now a control tool?
No, only since you decided to misread my post.

Your post was saying that cards are only for control. Which is just not correct, but it's the sort of nonsense I usually only hear a has-been ref who's now a never-was assessor sprout. It's not a point of view I'd heard anybody claim for some time, not even on here. And is clearly not the same as saying that part of their purpose is for control.

In fact, you'll quite clearly note that I also said that when the line is crossed, it's crossed. Ergo supporting the argument that control is only one aspect of cards, and how much a consideration it is varies on the incident. Sometimes, not at all.

But I think you knew all that, you just thought you would make some sort of point.

Hint: you didn't.
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Hi folks

I have recently started refereeing and enjoy it very much. My question is in two parts - if two players are verbally abusing each other with foul language is it always a caution ? If the insults move to threats of physical harm from both players, are we going for dismissals if they don't stop?
When I was doing the parent Sunday refereeing I had one nasty boy say to one of the opposing black players you retard !! All I could do was warn him but it thought it was funny so if I were s qualified ref what could I have done
Appreciate your help

Dont confuse a bit of player passion though with an instant sanction.... Obviously some players take it over a line but within reason most of these situations can be handled with warnings and last chances!!! But if they insist then don't be afraid to oblige!!
When I was doing the parent Sunday refereeing I had one nasty boy say to one of the opposing black players you retard !! All I could do was warn him but it thought it was funny so if I were s qualified ref what could I have done
Once you are the referee for a game even if as an unqualified parent, you have all the powers a qualified referee has. The powers given to a referee by the LOTG doesn't require the referee to be qualified.
If you thought it was unsporting you could have cautioned him. If you thought it was offensive, you could have sent him off.
Darn sarth, everyone is a ca.....nt
I had a vets team last year and the fellas were aggressively hurling this nicety at one another every other word. Nothing towards me or the opposition, so i happily let this normal use of language go