
New Member
Hi I am just completing a registration form for the North Bury League and their asking for my County FA Registration Number does any one know what that means? I am Manchester FA By the way?
A&H International
If you log into WGS, your registration no for this season will show on the Dashboard
Click on the Referee Administration tab and it will tell you something along the lines of your latest registration is with Manchester FA under registration number...

Of course, this assumes you have completed the registration for this season ;)
Click on the Referee Administration tab and it will tell you something along the lines of your latest registration is with Manchester FA under registration number...

Of course, this assumes you have completed the registration for this season ;)
I have just completed my referee course yesterday. How do I complete a registration for this season
In which case Tom may not have got you set up yet!

I’d drop Tom Elliott an email. Your registration is covered by the course fee so no worries on that side of things.
It should be loaded on to the WGS by your local county FA.

If you only done it yesterday thats probably why its not showing, give it a few days then try.