Exam Complete


New Member
Well last night I passed the Referee Introductory Course. I actually found the exam quite difficult, there was a good few questions that required serious thought & you had to work out the situation in your head. However some of the questions where basic, which was expected for my level.

The exam itself, was conducted online, with everyone at the start being sent an email link to there exam. The exam was 60. Multiple choice questions which included 10 video clips where you had to choose the correct restart of play and if there was a card involved.

The website areferee.com massively assisted me for this exam, a lot of the questions they ask where very similar to the exam questions. I’m not sure what other courses do, however we where given the latest IFAB LOTG book at the start of our course, I reccomend you read every chapter at least a couple of times.

Many thanks to you guys out there who gave me advice the last couple of weeks, it’s appreciated. Hopefully the next step will be in the middle or holding a flag!!!
A&H International
What were the written questions you considered tricky?
Sounds like the format has improved/changed recently
Yeh can’t remember the exact question,questions on fouls & misconducts, restarts of play, offsides, different penalty kick scenarios you just have to think logical and play a scenario in your head & a lot of the time go with your gut instinct

Had to know the circumference & PSI of a football!
Well last night I passed the Referee Introductory Course. I actually found the exam quite difficult, there was a good few questions that required serious thought & you had to work out the situation in your head. However some of the questions where basic, which was expected for my level.

The exam itself, was conducted online, with everyone at the start being sent an email link to there exam. The exam was 60. Multiple choice questions which included 10 video clips where you had to choose the correct restart of play and if there was a card involved.

The website areferee.com massively assisted me for this exam, a lot of the questions they ask where very similar to the exam questions. I’m not sure what other courses do, however we where given the latest IFAB LOTG book at the start of our course, I reccomend you read every chapter at least a couple of times.

Many thanks to you guys out there who gave me advice the last couple of weeks, it’s appreciated. Hopefully the next step will be in the middle or holding a flag!!!
I don’t know of any referees who hold flags in the middle! 😂 Maybe a few wave white flags once in a while! 😇
Now your one of us GCS1982
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