Exam night !!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok did my callback last night and managed to pass 32 from 42 ! Bit dissapointed thought I could have got more correct ! But happy to have qualified ! Thanks guys for all your help
It was appreciated
A&H International
Ok did my callback last night and managed to pass 32 from 42 ! Bit dissapointed thought I could have got more correct ! But happy to have qualified ! Thanks guys for all your help
It was appreciated
Well done! We've all felt your preparation nerves
Ten wrong answers = Ten or more potential mistakes in games however
So now the real learning begins....
Understood !! A lot of us got around that mark !! One young lad got 42 ! Bit of nerves set in imman older ref so did not think I’d ever be sitting exams again lol ! There was one who only got 12 ermmm
Understood !! A lot of us got around that mark !! One young lad got 42 ! Bit of nerves set in imman older ref so did not think I’d ever be sitting exams again lol ! There was one who only got 12 ermmm
12 means no knowledge at all. Maybe even negative knowledge, if some of the questions had only 3 options
Understood !! A lot of us got around that mark !! One young lad got 42 ! Bit of nerves set in imman older ref so did not think I’d ever be sitting exams again lol ! There was one who only got 12 ermmm

12, o dear. Did he pass anyway?
We were told to get into groups and we answered the exam questions as a group of 4. They went through the answers but I don't remember any scores ever being tallied up. One lad who had only showed any interest during the football sessions played games on his phone during the exam on my team lol. Very different from when I took the exam in 1999 when we had to go to the town hall and had to sit opposite the examiner in a booth and answer the questions! I remember not knowing the circumference of the ball and just being told what it was anyway so even then it was a gimmee. They don't want people to fail and nor should they. Those that don't bother to learn don't really want to be refs anyway.

As the oldest by about 17 years in the team, I ended up doing all the answering of the questions but fair play to this kid who was about 15 who got practically all the questions right, including 2 restart questions that I wasn't sure on. That kid will go places you could just tell. The rest were hopeless lol, they just didn't give a monkeys
When I did my course, out of 24 there were 5 of us that were over 18 on it.
3 of the 5 of us are L5. 1 remained at L7 and the other one I don't know about. All of us had non financial reasons for wanting to referee, whether that be to be involved in the game in some capacit or to give something back to football.
I remember most of the rest of them saw it as either a way to get DoE credits or saw it as an easier option than getting up at 6am every day to do a paper round.

I'd be very surprised if 2 or 3 of the U18 group are still refereeing now.
When I did my course, out of 24 there were 5 of us that were over 18 on it.
3 of the 5 of us are L5. 1 remained at L7 and the other one I don't know about. All of us had non financial reasons for wanting to referee, whether that be to be involved in the game in some capacit or to give something back to football.
I remember most of the rest of them saw it as either a way to get DoE credits or saw it as an easier option than getting up at 6am every day to do a paper round.

I'd be very surprised if 2 or 3 of the U18 group are still refereeing now.

Very similar experience to my course. Out of 15, 3 of us were over 18. Out of those 3, I'm the only one that has refereed an actual game so far. When the U18's were asked why chose to do the course, most replied with "it would look good on my CV".
too add to the similar comments above - I did my exam end of September and I was the only one in the entire room that had done the 5 games. Most hadn’t done a single game. I found that very odd (especially as the RAO / RDOs are very helpful)
Understood !! A lot of us got around that mark !! One young lad got 42 ! Bit of nerves set in imman older ref so did not think I’d ever be sitting exams again lol ! There was one who only got 12 ermmm

12? Not to have a dig at whoever that was, but that’s incredibly poor considering it’s an exam designed to make you pass rather than fail at that level. Clearly somebody who couldn’t be bothered
12? Not to have a dig at whoever that was, but that’s incredibly poor considering it’s an exam designed to make you pass rather than fail at that level. Clearly somebody who couldn’t be bothered
Whats the point of an exam then!!!
Whats the point of an exam then!!!

It’s done in a group and if you get just below the pass boundary, they take you in a separate room to ask you some additional questions and see if you’re in the right direction. The FA want you to pass
It’s done in a group and if you get just below the pass boundary, they take you in a separate room to ask you some additional questions and see if you’re in the right direction. The FA want you to pass
Can you have a 50/50 or phone a friend??