The Ref Stop

Junior/Youth "You can't send juniors off"

Dino Ref

Well-Known Member
I was reffing a u10 game and with 5 minutes to go one of the players decided to kick out at another.

I send the player off and the coach asks why I couldn't just ask him to sub. I tell him that it's about the player learning that they cannot do that. He then says "What are they learning different to me subbing him?" I reply that the FA specifically tell referees to stick to the laws despite the age. I then tell him that there is only 5 minutes left and say I'll play the remaining time and then talk after the game. He refuses making a fuss. I tell him he can submit a report to the FA to get it overturned if he thinks I have done something wrong. He then says "call the game now or I'll just tell my players to come off the pitch" so I call the game. He refuses to shake my hand while constantly calling me and embarrassment saying "you've played junior football, you have to use common sense". Once again I remind him that the FA specifically tell referees to stick to the laws and that he is more than welcome to put a report in to get it overturned. He then goes onto say "The FA tell me to do a lot of **** that I don't do". At that point he once more yells "embarrassment" and walks off.
The Ref Stop decided to dismiss a player, well done, remember to submit a report. You should also send in a report about the manager and what you did. You should probably have continued the game and let the manager make a decision to either finish the game or withdraw his team. The manager would be in deeper sh1t for doing this.
Is this your first dismissal and have you had this sort of manager behaviour before?
First red and every other manager I've reffed for one other manager was like this but the club he managed for got rid of him.
Hi Jamie,
What appalling behaviour from a coach. First off, you've made the right decision. We'll make concessions for some things at this age, but not violent conduct.
One thing - coach has threatened to pull the team off if you don't call the game early - so why did you call the game early?
Let him be the idiot. If he wants to pull the team off the field, then he can do that. As it stands, you're the one who's decided to end the game early - he hasn't taken his team off the pitch, and that may affect how the FA deals with him. Don't let coaches push or threaten you into making a decision - call it after he's taken the team off, not before.

"Why couldn't you ask me to just sub him?" "Not for something like that coach!" And from there, try to avoid discussing it further with the coach, generally the best advice especially in your early years. He'll rant a bit more, "Thank you coach, that will be all" and try to continue.

"I can't finish the game early - and if you pull the team off the field then you're going to cause problems for the team with the FA. Think about that before you do anything"Walk off, attempt to resume the game.

You said he refused to shake your hand - don't initiate the handshaking after the game. Let them come to you.
Definitely report the entire thing including his post-match behaviour.

Here's something to think about - the coach is arguing that you should have subbed him off so the coach can teach him the error of his ways. Given the coach's childish temper tantrum and abuse after the game, it's quite clear that he is certainly not going to hold the player accountable for his actions - in fact he's teaching the child the very opposite of that. Kind of reinforces the red card over 'subbing off' :)
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He then says "call the game now or I'll just tell my players to come off the pitch" so I call the game.
Never bow to a ridiculous demand like this. Unless yours or player safety is an issue, continue the game. If the manager does follow through and takes his players off, then abandon and it is him that has caused it, you can report him for it.
Jamie obviously I know you in real life and I think coaches behaviour in our county is awful up here you've done the right thing onto next weekend