Assistant Referee Coaching

Top man in the parish

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Level 5 Referee
Just as a matter of interest:

I'm now a level 5 referee born and living in Oxfordshire, I have been an FA Licenced Referee Instructor for nearly 20 years.

Does any county FA or local RA out there offer their referee colleagues specific 'Coaching for Assistants?

I'm trying to put together a module designed to help our colleagues who're wishing to improve their flag skills, and rather than try to re-invent the wheel, I'd be delighted to learn of (and hopefully come and see) any such coaching already in practice.

Our young Academy colleagues have become very good indeed, I'm anxious that all the others are given a fair chance of being the same. If you have any info I'd be very pleased to hear from you.

I'm very much interested in tricks of the trade or useful ideas. I endorce the advice booklets from the FA, but I'm after the little things you might do when running the line.
A&H International
I don't have much experience on the line and this is only my first season as a ref anyway but I would definitely like a training session/coach specifically for assistants, I think that it is a great idea and something I would attend. However I currently live in Hull :(. Wish we had something like that here.
Good luck with it though
My County runs a pre-season workshop for Supply League Assistants every year. You could also use the box exercise where you have an assistant trying to stay in line with the second rear most. Most assistants need to learn how to sidestep and sprint (particularly how to use it to make themselves look good).
Was recently part of a Development game for players representing the Island, split over 3 periods so 3 of us were given the chance to do 2 periods as and assistant and one in the middle, our RA focused on our time as assistants, the things that they were looking at we:
  • Side stepping (flag held in left hand - taking some getting used too)
  • clear, snappy, positive flag signals,
  • be confident,
  • lots of communication with referee and know where he is on the pitch if unsure of a decision such as throw in/free kick look at ref to see which way he is going.
  • don't flag a decision straight away, wait to see what happens in play, (better to be a slow correct flag than a fast wrong one)
  • Keeping the flag nearest the pitch when running - i.e left hand when running towards goal line right hand if going to half way (as long as you using left wings)
  • don't be afraid to communicate with players, tell them where the throw in is from, 'don't foul' stuff like that.
I don't think I have missed anything obvious and I hope this is of a help :)

Thank you, every crumb of information or different method used is invaluable to me, this really is a 'don't re-invent the wheel' job!

counties closer to me have shown that they don't really start training until after you should have had quite a bit anyway, ie supply league level, daft isn't it!

I'm actually adding to my determination, your comments are appreciated