Pep Vs Jurgen, Anthony Taylor, VK Vs VVD

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Scotland "suffered" the same fate as England, our team of three had one pull out and Fifa would not allow a replacement so that was that.
A&H International
Absolutely. A few here all worse than Kompany's and all targeting the man not the ball.


It was the Cardiff match and serious injury to Sane that had City writing officially to Mike Riley to complain (then having Mr Taylor give a red to Delph in the cup v Wigan - you know the one where he was going with yellow till someone told him to make it red).

It did get better after that until this one in the derby.

Not even given as a foul and that was why, according to Keith Hackett, no English refs went to the world cup.

Until Southampton targeted Fernandinho last week, it's been better this season apart from the routine late challenges on David Silva and despite MOTD pundits encouraging opposition players to "leave something on" City players.

I think you’d be better off joining a Man City forum rather than a refereeing one. Challenges like this get missed all the time, referees are only human. The fact that you think this just happens to City and there’s an agenda against them is just annoying
As a lifelong blue, I completely disagree that there's any agenda. Indeed, all top teams believe there's agendas against them which is absolute nonsense.

There was a sequence of games around this time last year (alluded to above) where 2 or 3 tackles on city players which should've resulted in reds to the opposition team were missed or yellows issued. It was remarkable that there were 3 mistakes (reds not issued) in such a short space of time but that's what they were, mistakes or errors of judgement. No agenda at all.
Yes, that should have been a red card. But your quoting of Hackett's nonsense post is equally nonsense. Let me ask it this way, who could have gone to the World Cup? We had three Elite level FIFA referees when the decision was made. Atkinson and Marriner were too old to be nominated as they would have lost the FIFA badge before the tournament, and Clattenburg quit. Only Elite referees can go as referees, so there is just no way that Ashley Young not being sent off had anything to do with there being no English referees at the World Cup. We were never going to have anyone there as a VAR as we don't use it yet so our referees are much less inexperienced than those from the likes of Italy in that respect.

As an aside, I watched a couple of Man City games in the official Man City Costa Brava Supporters Club pub over Christmas. The level of paranoia really was astonishing, with people constantly saying during the Palace and Leicester games that the referees have been told to give decisions against City as the FA want Liverpool to win the league. Clearly it was nothing to do with the fact that they can't defend to save their lives if they don't have Fernandinho in the team ... :wall:
I did say don't get distracted.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you. It certainly doesn't help when the chief exec of the competition starts the season by saying he hopes your team faces a stiffer challenge...
As a lifelong blue, I completely disagree that there's any agenda. Indeed, all top teams believe there's agendas against them which is absolute nonsense.

There was a sequence of games around this time last year (alluded to above) where 2 or 3 tackles on city players which should've resulted in reds to the opposition team were missed or yellows issued. It was remarkable that there were 3 mistakes (reds not issued) in such a short space of time but that's what they were, mistakes or errors of judgement. No agenda at all.
Two or three mistakes sounds like a misfortune, double figures sounds like carelessness.
Interesting comments from Mark Clattenburg, not so much about the tackle, but, passing comment that had he heard Kompany call Salah "a p@@@@", then he would have taken no action, "not in the heat of battle and in such a high stake game"

I dont quite understand if that means in a different game he would take action?
And more to the point, it crosses over into whats acceptable, or not, to be called in the game, in the heat of the moment, it might easy have been any number of other words with the same meaning as *****.....which am taking a guess would also have resulted in no action...which although understandable, is, dissappointing
Well, risking the wrath of fair-minded referees everywhere, Clattenburg's leniency to Wayne Rooney is the obvious precedent for tolerating offensive language and VC.

That's probably enough for one night!
am not saying am looking for Kompany to be executed for saying p*****, but am more concerned that a former elite ref would ignore it if he heard it, not that that word offended ME so much but it opens a book of, what words would Clattenburg have taken action over.
in short he is saying had he heard it he would would have ignored it as it was an important game?

that does not sit right with me
Chief Exec of the competition wanting his competition to be competitive. Fancy that, how dare he not want it to be a one sided walkover … :)

And saying it's good for the PL brand if Manchester United do well? "When your most popular club isn’t doing as well, that costs you interest and audience in some places"
I think you’d be better off joining a Man City forum rather than a refereeing one. Challenges like this get missed all the time, referees are only human. The fact that you think this just happens to City and there’s an agenda against them is just annoying
On the City forums I point out the difficulty of referees' decisions, e.g. to those arguing that flying in with both feet off the ground isn't specifically mentioned in law 12, I'll quote Mike Riley: "The message is that if you commit to a tackle that is at speed and with intensity, typically with both feet off the ground, then you put yourself at risk of being sent off."

In this forum, to someone coming up with a "fandom" comment that City lost at Leicester because of a defensive lapse, I'll point out that the Leicester equaliser came when a two-footed airborne tackle on a City defender wasn't penalised at all.

Anyway I've not commented on the Sterling penalty shout but thought I'd post the video.

I did say don't get distracted.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you. It certainly doesn't help when the chief exec of the competition starts the season by saying he hopes your team faces a stiffer challenge...

Your levels of paranoia are just getting silly now.

It was universally said by everyone afterwards that they were glad you won - anti Liverpool or do most just want to see a competitive league?
And saying it's good for the PL brand if Manchester United do well? "When your most popular club isn’t doing as well, that costs you interest and audience in some places"

And what part of that statement is a) untrue? b) anti Man City? c) anything to do with refereeing?

I'm sure you would get more agreeing with you on a Man City fans' forum and more fun posting this nonsense on a Man Utd one!
So you'd have no problem if before a world cup the head of FIFA said he thought it would be good if a South American team did well....

Or a boxing promoter said he didn't want either fighter winning by a large margin.
You are now making fans of all other teams look good. You got a great win. You are the richest club in the world. Enjoy!
So you'd have no problem if before a world cup the head of FIFA said he thought it would be good if a South American team did well....

What would actually be wrong with that? Can people at the top not have opinions? It’s not biased and they aren’t manipulating anything

And United doing well is good for the PL brand. That’s fact, and there’s no harm in saying it. It’s only because you’re a city fan that you don’t like it being said
So you'd have no problem if before a world cup the head of FIFA said he thought it would be good if a South American team did well....

Or a boxing promoter said he didn't want either fighter winning by a large margin.

I'll say it again, you're on the wrong forum - nor interested in discussing football's ruling bodies' 'obvious':rolleyes: :rolleyes:bias against Man City.
@bloovee , consider yourself lucky. A bunch of unthinkably rich individuals bought an distasteful average club and now your masses of fans (who subsequently emerged from the Moss Side woodwork) rarely have to experience defeat (the weekly staple diet for the rest of us). There might be individual circumstances in specific games when officials make mistakes due to intense pressure, but to infer that there could be a sustained agenda against any team by multiple referees, is utterly ridiculous
You need to remember what it's like to get humped most weeks, if you indeed supported the team during that era
@bloovee , consider yourself lucky. A bunch of unthinkably rich individuals bought an distasteful average club and now your masses of fans (who subsequently emerged from the Moss Side woodwork) rarely have to experience defeat (the weekly staple diet for the rest of us). There might be individual circumstances in specific games when officials make mistakes due to intense pressure, but to infer that there could be a sustained agenda against any team by multiple referees, is utterly ridiculous
You need to remember what it's like to get humped most weeks, if you indeed supported the team during that era

Haha bitter much!? Distasteful club, grief
@bloovee , consider yourself lucky. A bunch of unthinkably rich individuals bought an distasteful average club and now your masses of fans (who subsequently emerged from the Moss Side woodwork) rarely have to experience defeat (the weekly staple diet for the rest of us). There might be individual circumstances in specific games when officials make mistakes due to intense pressure, but to infer that there could be a sustained agenda against any team by multiple referees, is utterly ridiculous
You need to remember what it's like to get humped most weeks, if you indeed supported the team during that era

Distasteful club? What on earth gives you that impression? City have always been a great club. The work they do in the community is above anything else you'll see at any club in England. I'm not sure if any of you are aware of the regeneration of Beswick/Gorton area and the facilities that City paid for and provide. I know from first hand but feel free to look it up.

Also look up the attendances when we were in league 1, not much emerging from the woodwork, we've always been well supported.

I don't mind people not liking city because of the success we're having and the way it's financed, that's fine, but this is way wide of the mark.

I don't think there's a more humble fan base than City, except maybe the younger generation who never experienced the club before success but that's similar at any club.
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