The Ref Stop

Scousers V Foxes

The Ref Stop
I thought I'd be giving that pen in real time. However he wasn't at speed and his reaction just didn't look natural. Seeing the replay suggests to me that he was caught but it didn't impede him and he decided to kick his leg out to make it look like he was tripped. One of those ones that has contact but no foul. I'd have yc for simulation. But perhaps that's why I'm not on the PL. That plus I can't really run.
Leicester would be up in arms if that wasn't given to them. A soft boiled egg is still an egg. Opinion not 100% neutral on this
It’s a penalty; challenge doesn’t need to be made but is. Error of judgement on defender’s part - and Albrighton has form for this. I saw something on another thread about a penalty in a supply league game “it’s one of those that if it’s for you you’re well happy, if not you’re upset”

That works for me.

As for Klopp comment after on the Choudury tackle. Red card? Give over, tactical foul. Yellow card end of story.
I thought I'd be giving that pen in real time. However he wasn't at speed and his reaction just didn't look natural. Seeing the replay suggests to me that he was caught but it didn't impede him and he decided to kick his leg out to make it look like he was tripped. One of those ones that has contact but no foul. I'd have yc for simulation. But perhaps that's why I'm not on the PL. That plus I can't really run.
Having seen it again, I decided he was impeded but he also dived. Pen and yc for Mane anyone?
I thought fair enough it is a foul, but I don't think it was enough for him to go down. I'm conflicted on this one. What I've seen on debates elsewhere seems to be divided on this as well - the only thing everyone seems to agree on is VAR isn't doing a good job(!)
Having seen it again, I decided he was impeded but he also dived. Pen and yc for Mane anyone?

I would wish any referee going down that route the very best of luck. It's a penalty lads but he dived so he's having a yellow card, you just aren't going to get away with that.

For me it was a clumsy tackle that shouldn't have been made and the penalty was correct. Does Mane make the most of it? Yes, undoubtedly, but that doesn't mean it isn't a penalty.
I thought fair enough it is a foul, but I don't think it was enough for him to go down. I'm conflicted on this one. What I've seen on debates elsewhere seems to be divided on this as well - the only thing everyone seems to agree on is VAR isn't doing a good job(!)

VAR wouldn't overrule that in any mode of operation though as there is no way it could be said it was even close to being obviously wrong.
I would wish any referee going down that route the very best of luck. It's a penalty lads but he dived so he's having a yellow card, you just aren't going to get away with that.

For me it was a clumsy tackle that shouldn't have been made and the penalty was correct. Does Mane make the most of it? Yes, undoubtedly, but that doesn't mean it isn't a penalty.
Do you think Mane dived?
From experience, a careless foul in the area is always followed by an exaggarated fall when that foul would not normally cause a fall. That is just the way us referees have trained players.

We on this forum don't like it and call it cheating. I can agree it was an unnecessary fall but for me it was a careless kick to the back of Mane's leg.
No, I think he exaggerated, which is significantly different. A dive, or simulation, is where the player goes down without there being any contact or initiates the contact themselves, that clearly didn't happen here and Mane was tripped.
Is your definition of a dive or simulation, an FA definition? I would say that the trip and the dive were two separate instances, albeit they were close together. IMHO, Mane didn't go down because of the trip (which can be suggested as he took a balanced step with his other foot) - he went down because he chose to dive.