2 Red Cards (Spitting)

Peter I

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Today I issued my first 2 red cards in the same match to the same team for Spitting. First one at an opponent and second at myself. I am absolutely appalled and was only grateful that I wear glasses as it was aimed at my face. The incident was witnessed by a referee whose game had finished on an adjacent pitch. How low can players get when they have to resort to this?
A&H International
Today I issued my first 2 red cards in the same match to the same team for Spitting. First one at an opponent and second at myself. I am absolutely appalled and was only grateful that I wear glasses as it was aimed at my face. The incident was witnessed by a referee whose game had finished on an adjacent pitch. How low can players get when they have to resort to this?
You absolutely must submit an 'Exceptional Report', because spitting on a referee is comparable with an assault on a Match Official
I'm really sorry that that has happened to you.

I hope they have a very long ban (assaults are 5 years+). To be blunt I personally believe it should be a life ban
Today I issued my first 2 red cards in the same match to the same team for Spitting.

Yeah, had my first red card for spitting this season as well. Had some accusations of it last season, but I never caught any before. Disappointing to see it happening.

I agree with the others that you need to report the spitting that was done towards you, hopefully the player is banned for a long time for that one.
You absolutely must submit an 'Exceptional Report', because spitting on a referee is comparable with an assault on a Match Official
It is not just comparable. It the court of law, it is considered assault.

@Peter I If you have the name of the other referee, make sure you included in your report. If he isn't already doing it, make sure you ask him to send a report in too, even if in the form an email to the league/county.
I’ve done god knows how many games and never had any incident with spitting, yet you’ve had 2 in one game! What sort of person gets brought up to think it’s acceptable. Disgusting
I cant remember a spitting incident in 500+ games, I met some proper Herberts too, but none ever stooped that low!!!
You can actually get a small swab kit that will fit into your pocket, on this occasion it might have came in handy.
First one at an opponent and second at myself.
Looks like you referee in the same league I do, as we had a spitting incident at the weekend....unless this happened in more than one league. Possible I guess. Really sucks that's happened to you, it's awful and I'm sorry that's happened. We also had an attempted headbutt on a referee as well this last weekend! Terrible stuff, hopefully this doesn't impact your desire to referee, although it's utterly unacceptable for any abuse to take place.
I'd be abandoning the match if someone spat at me. Your safety has been compromised, so the best place to be is as far away as possible from the opposition.

Every single referee has a right to officiate without fear of assault. I would encourage any referee to report this on whole game, and to their RDO.

We referees not only have a duty of care towards ourselves and players, but to each other as well.