Dissent offence of the ball


New Member
Level 4 Referee
A player directs dissent towards you or your assistant referee and you decide to stop play. Does play restart from where the offence took place or where the ball was when play was stopped?
A&H International
Where the offence takes place
I've done it a few times, but I don't recall ever seeing an EPL ref award an IFK for verbals. It would have to be something eye watering for them to do so because they're in cahoots to police the game the same as one another
The basic principle is, as stated in Law 13, that:
All free kicks are taken from the place where the offence occurred ...

There are a few exceptions: offences in the goal area, offences involving a player entering or leaving the field without permission, offences committed off the field (of course) or, "where the law designates another position."

None of those exceptions apply here.