How long before Coronavirus impacts Football?

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All County Cup Finals have now been postponed in our county. Wonder if they’ll be rescheduled. I’m gutted about mine, but feel more for the officials and players who got a CC final at Carrow Road, which is often a once in a lifetime for some of the players
A&H International
All County Cup Finals have now been postponed in our county. Wonder if they’ll be rescheduled. I’m gutted about mine, but feel more for the officials and players who got a CC final at Carrow Road, which is often a once in a lifetime for some of the players

Hopefully whenever this is all over (and that could be quite a while) those kind of games will be the first ones to be played.
Hopefully whenever this is all over (and that could be quite a while) those kind of games will be the first ones to be played.
hope not, as all of the players and officials will be rusty as hell. I'd hope there are a few games for everyone before they are played so all involved can participate at the high standard that getting to games like this warrants.
I can't see any serious football till the late summer at the earliest. God knows what happens to this and next season, this is just a wait and see brief...
They've said today that social distancing will have to remain in place for the rest of the year, potentially as long as 18 months. This isn't going away any time soon, and certainly not in time to finish grass roots seasons.
They don't know. The mathematicians are shaping a bell curve without knowing the variables. My trusty crystal ball has turned very opaque.
In the circumstances, I shall have to fine tune my athleticism ahead of resumption 🏃‍♂️
It seems that the plan is to use intermittent levels of social distancing to attempt to spread the infections into 4 peaks over the next 12 months. If that is the case I can't see how any sports can resume as it would be stop start, hope that is wrong but it isn't looking good.

I too am taking the work from home and boredom to seriously up the exercise levels. Plus I'm eating much healthier as staying at home I don't have the temptations that exist at work such as the numerous takeaways, staff restaurant, and most important, after work pub sessions.
We closed today. Kids who had worked for 5 years towards exams left not really knowing how their grades were going to be decided. Some of my colleagues will teach for half a day a fortnight. A lot of people were visibly distraught.

I also got an email from The FA last night which was hastily recalled. It stated that all football is off until the end of May. Like I say it was recalled sharpish.
My son was due to take the keys for an ex council house today. Last night the 84 year old lady owner sent a message to their agent that she was self isolating and wouldn't be completing. We had all sorts set up for works planned over the weekend. Legally the deal wasn't complete so we can't (or wouldn't want to) kick her out but they were in tears yesterday. This will have massive repucushions in all parts of life never mind football. Thats not really our focus for the next few months!
It seems that the plan is to use intermittent levels of social distancing to attempt to spread the infections into 4 peaks over the next 12 months. If that is the case I can't see how any sports can resume as it would be stop start, hope that is wrong but it isn't looking good.

I too am taking the work from home and boredom to seriously up the exercise levels. Plus I'm eating much healthier as staying at home I don't have the temptations that exist at work such as the numerous takeaways, staff restaurant, and most important, after work pub sessions.
“They” have no idea yet. The first hospital in London got full today. Not a good sign.

I wish you and yours well and hope everyone can stay safe and contribute to transmission loss.
Me too, only I've taken to whisky instead of beer 😷
I worked in the Diageo factory near Kirkcaldy, the Whisky smell you get in a bottle isn’t what you smell in the manufacturing process. It honks and sticks to you for days. Really put me off the stuff!
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No sport, No pubs, no gym, no restaurants! I'm still in work but almost all the management is in isolation apart from me and we're as busy as ever, if not more so. I'm sure that will drop off significantly soon.

One small positive is that on my dog walks there seem to be alot more people walking now. Not more people out with their dogs,just loads of people walking because the weather is ok and they've nothing else to do.

I've now worked out this Coronavirus!

Its definitely been created by a bloody WOMAN!!

Lads, Just think about it for a minute!

1, No football or sports for months!

2, All the pubs are shut!

3, 14-day quarantine so we have to get all those DIY jobs done! Clever!!

4, Symptoms are Man-Flu like. They really know that's our Kryptonite!

5, They even teased us and named it after a fekin beer!
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Interesting article imo
Data analysis and all that
It's been at the forefront of my mind from the outset, that the cure (social and economic) could be comparable to disease itself. To my mind, the pendulum of social pressure will reverse, once the socioeconomic impacts start to be really hit home
Interesting article imo
Data analysis and all that
It's been at the forefront of my mind from the outset, that the cure (social and economic) could be comparable to disease itself. To my mind, the pendulum of social pressure will reverse, once the socioeconomic impacts start to be really hit home

Interesting but unless you have two countries that adopt the different strategies and are willing to use their population as a science experiment this seems hard to verify. Ultimately no political leader is going to throw the sick under a bus nor their health care workers.

If you're interested look at the strategies of St Louis and Philadelphia during the Spanish Flu. Social distancing works. In today's online world we can mitigate the social impact and governments can step in to mitigate the financial.
One small positive is that on my dog walks there seem to be alot more people walking now. Not more people out with their dogs,just loads of people walking because the weather is ok and they've nothing else to do.

In parts of Spain walking your dogs is the one of the only reasons you are allowed out of your home, along with going food shopping, to a pharmacy or hospital, essential work, petrol stations or to an opticians. Even then you are only allowed to go on your own, there are police and guardia civil everywhere and if you are spotted out not on your own, or with more than one person in a car, it is a huge fine. There is a suspicion that Spanish dogs will be the fittest in the World as they are being loaned between neighbours to get people out :)

I live next to a large park in London and there are definitely a lot more people out walking. Guess that is a good thing as long as they stay 2 metres away from each other. Sadly I suspect that if the spread isn't checked in the UK we will see similar restrictions to those countries.
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