female or males


New Member
Level 5 Referee
are any of u females or males have come out as lgbtq to players i have im gay and some players know but there are a lot of us out there but to scared to come out and players as well :?:?:?
A&H International
I know a brilliant L4 ref who’s engaged to another bloke. Good on you for having the confidence!
I play golf with a Level 3 who makes no secret of his gayness. Not sure he mentions it at the coin toss however
I should add that I'm a better golfer than he is. Just so you know
I play golf with a Level 3 who makes no secret of his gayness. Not sure he mentions it at the coin toss however
I should add that I'm a better golfer than he is. Just so you know
Better ref aswell?😉🤣 Sure there’s a SG2 ref aswell!