

RefChat Addict
Please forgive my ignorance on this one, I should really know :D

I'm just ordering a new Nike shirt, I've got a long sleeve one but could do with short sleeves for the summer months. In terms of badging, is Lancs FA Officer the correct badge? I can't see another one offered. Also, I'm going for county and FAMOA badges, am I right in thinking that the county badge needs to go on the left pocket and FAMOA on the right?

Thanks :)
A&H International
FAMOA left breast (your) and county your right breast. Lancs Officer opposed to referee? I'd enquire about that, there's no harm in sending an email to your refereeing officer.
I think it does say Lancs Officer. When I ordered my kit, I chose this option, and it is the Lancs badge. But you can always email RDO/A&H:)
Just get one badge. If you are a level 7, it should be the FAMOA badge. If you are a County Referee and above, it should be the County FA badge.

Two badges don't look right
Just get one badge. If you are a level 7, it should be the FAMOA badge. If you are a County Referee and above, it should be the County FA badge.

Two badges don't look right

That's what I've had on my previous shirts, but I was told that I needed to have the badge for county cup games. Is that not right?
You need the County badge for County games. You only need the FAMOA badge for FA games (like FA Youth Cup, Vase and Trophy games). You might not get too many of them just now, so it's best to stick to the County badge for now.
You need the County badge for County games. You only need the FAMOA badge for FA games (like FA Youth Cup, Vase and Trophy games). You might not get too many of them just now, so it's best to stick to the County badge for now.
This could be a first...but I disagree with Mr H (and in this instance, he's wrong)

For ALL FA competitions (FA Cup, Trophy, Vase, Youth Cup etc.), it is FA rules that you must wear County badge (unless you've been awarded your 3 Lions or FIFA). The only competition(s) you are required to wear FAMOA badge are Contrib league games (e.g. Southern/Northern/Isthmian etc). Below that, you will find majority of Supply leagues have their own league badge which is worn, while further down the system, you are effectively representing your County, so should wear County badge. FAMOA badge is nice, but isn't a necessity.

Just to add, I often wear 2 badges!
What's so bad about two badges? As long as they are a similar size and aligned I think they look fine. I have just my county badge on my Respect kit and FAMOA and county on my Nike kit, I think the latter looks better.