Red Card Appeal, Advice?


Well-Known Member
Just received an appeal in the Red card I talked about around 2-4 weeks ago. Any advice to handling this situation in regards to giving them my statement. The appeal is against an OFFINABUS (S6) in which the player called me a 'daft c**t'. Advice?

Note: In this match
A&H International
Remember you're a witness, not a defendant. Turn up, clarify your report, that you have nothing further to add as all the relevant facts were reported, go home. It's the player trying to escape a ban/fine, rather than your competency and judgment being called into question.
Remember you're a witness, not a defendant. Turn up, clarify your report, that you have nothing further to add as all the relevant facts were reported, go home. It's the player trying to escape a ban/fine, rather than your competency and judgment being called into question.
I was asked for a statement from my FA not to go for a trial. However I am creating my report now. It may be on the longer side however I want to my reasoning and evidence behind the event that occurred.
I was asked for a statement from my FA not to go for a trial. However I am creating my report now. It may be on the longer side however I want to my reasoning and evidence behind the event that occurred.

Max2 has nailed it. There should be nothing to add, or indeed take away, from your initial report.

What you can be open to, is on the evening, questions from panel re the report.
Max2 has nailed it. There should be nothing to add, or indeed take away, from your initial report.

What you can be open to, is on the evening, questions from panel re the report.
I did not end up making the initial report for the incident as I was not the assistant referee which was given that duty I only reported the incident as it transpired. However I do not think I gave enough information for the initial report.
I was asked for a statement from my FA not to go for a trial. However I am creating my report now. It may be on the longer side however I want to my reasoning and evidence behind the event that occurred.
That doesn't really make a lot of sense. If you reported it as a straight OFFINABUS report they should just charge for that, if you submitted an extraordinary incident they should already have your report. Or has he asked for a written hearing, or pleaded guilty and asked for a plea of leniency?

Whatever you are writing now, make it short and to the point. "In the xth minute of the game {player name} called me a "daft c***". I was x metres away from this and could clearly hear these words and see who had said them, I therefore sent him off for offensive, insulting or abusine language".

Doesn't need any more than that, and the more you write the more they can argue about at any subsequent hearing.
That doesn't really make a lot of sense. If you reported it as a straight OFFINABUS report they should just charge for that, if you submitted an extraordinary incident they should already have your report. Or has he asked for a written hearing, or pleaded guilty and asked for a plea of leniency?

Whatever you are writing now, make it short and to the point. "In the xth minute of the game {player name} called me a "daft c***". I was x metres away from this and could clearly hear these words and see who had said them, I therefore sent him off for offensive, insulting or abusine language".

Doesn't need any more than that, and the more you write the more they can argue about at any subsequent hearing.
It because of the event which transpired.
In the Xth minute of the game I put my arm in front of player who was on the touchline interfering with my abilty to assistant as an assistant referee and told him sternly to move which is when player called me a 'Daft C**t'. The club has said I was at fault for the incident as I light pushed the player.

And I have a feeling the red card will get dismissed cause of that small action I made in the heat of the moment as X player was interfering with me and this was not the first incident from the club which interfered with my abilty during the match.
It because of the event which transpired.
In the Xth minute of the game I put my arm in front of player who was on the touchline interfering with my abilty to assistant as an assistant referee and told him sternly to move which is when player called me a 'Daft C**t'. The club has said I was at fault for the incident as I light pushed the player.

And I have a feeling the red card will get dismissed cause of that small action I made in the heat of the moment as X player was interfering with me and this was not the first incident from the club which interfered with my abilty during the match.
It’s my understanding that a red card can’t be appealed for INOFFABUS so it’s likely the scenario of the incident you’re there for but even so, he shouldn’t be saying what he said. Don’t worry about whether the red card will be dismissed or not as that’s not your problem, but just describe the incident as it happened, be clear and only stick to facts. The rest will sort itself out
It’s my understanding that a red card can’t be appealed for INOFFABUS so it’s likely the scenario of the incident you’re there for but even so, he shouldn’t be saying what he said. Don’t worry about whether the red card will be dismissed or not as that’s not your problem, but just describe the incident as it happened, be clear and only stick to facts. The rest will sort itself out
Yeah I think what I am going to send to my county FA in terms of statement is too long. But I also feel if I do not include the context I will end of getting in trouble
Yeah I think what I am going to send to my county FA in terms of statement is too long. But I also feel if I do not include the context I will end of getting in trouble
Nothing wrong with being too long if that’s what’s required. Don’t negate important details because you’re concerned the email is lengthy
Yeah I think what I am going to send to my county FA in terms of statement is too long. But I also feel if I do not include the context I will end of getting in trouble
Your posts are unclear. You say you didn't submit an initial report, but as the referee acted on advice from you both the referee and you should have submitted separate reports.
Appeals will only be considered by the CFA or The FA in cases of mistaken identity or the report being inaccurate in law.
Any report you submit now should be short and factual, including the words used by the player. Avoid trying to give reasons why something may have happened.
The hearing may be on Zoom/Microsoft Teams rather than in person (if there is one). Stick to facts, "nothing to add, Mr/Madam Chairman"
Your posts are unclear. You say you didn't submit an initial report, but as the referee acted on advice from you both the referee and you should have submitted separate reports.
Appeals will only be considered by the CFA or The FA in cases of mistaken identity or the report being inaccurate in law.
Any report you submit now should be short and factual, including the words used by the player. Avoid trying to give reasons why something may have happened.
The hearing may be on Zoom/Microsoft Teams rather than in person (if there is one). Stick to facts, "nothing to add, Mr/Madam Chairman"
I was sent an email from my county FA about the incident that occurred which led to the red card being given to the player. I have been asked to explain how and why? As the club is stating that since I pushed the offender first it led to the situation which occured. I am sorry if I haven't made it clear but there is other stuff in my life going on which has led to this being very stressful and annoying for me.
I was sent an email from my county FA about the incident that occurred which led to the red card being given to the player. I have been asked to explain how and why? As the club is stating that since I pushed the offender first it led to the situation which occured. I am sorry if I haven't made it clear but there is other stuff in my life going on which has led to this being very stressful and annoying for me.
But did you submit a report after the game?
I did not submit a report after the game as I was not AR1 so I did not think to.
OK, understood. If you called the referee over to dismiss the offender, you and the referee should both have reported the matter; the referee's report would indicate "My assistant (name) brought to my attention . . ." and yours would describe the incident fully and then state ". . . I brought this to the attention of the referee (name) and he sent off the offender, (name)"
Think you’ve been badly mentored (off forum) in all of this, and I hope you get the support - mental and technical - you want and need.

Edit to add: over the two threads, none of us are having a go, and hope you don’t feel like it’s a pile-on. It’s all a learning curve and we’re trying to understand the situation just like County will.

Good luck colleague x
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