Former NHL ice hockey ref abuses youth referees


RefChat Addict
https://theathletic.com/4220681/2023/02/17/tim-peel-nhl-referee-accused/ (this is behind a paywall)

Former National Hockey League referee Tim Peel (who was fired from his job before the finish of his last season) was recently confirmed to have improperly entered the referee room at a U10 (yes, U10) ice hockey game to confront match officials after the officials had ejected the two coaches on his son's team.

You can pretty much check all of the boxes of what a parent in general, and a former referee in particular, should never do.
  • Despite not being assigned as a mentor on the game, enters the referee room.
  • Assaults the crew by not allowing them to leave.
  • Gives them the "Do you know who I am?" line, which pretty much confirms that the person saying that line is looking to abuse power.
What else am I missing?
A&H International