Social media comments from clubs


RefChat Addict
Level 3W Referee
At a grassroots level, how do you handle these?

I’ve just been sent a tweet from one of the clubs I refereed last week that states:

“Was a tough game today for ______, with an injured goalkeeper and some very questionable decisions from the referee, but the ladies battled right till the end.”

It’s not the worst thing I’ve seen a club tweet about a referee but I’d also be having a word with a player who said this to me, let alone undermining me in front of the entire league by tweeting it.

I’m especially annoyed since the “questionable” decision was a red card for their players OFFINABUS language towards me.

I’m happy to just ignore it as a fact of social media but also feel like I should do something in the same way I report a bike theft even though I know they don’t do much!

Thoughts welcome
A&H International
At a grassroots level, how do you handle these?

I’ve just been sent a tweet from one of the clubs I refereed last week that states:

“Was a tough game today for ______, with an injured goalkeeper and some very questionable decisions from the referee, but the ladies battled right till the end.”

It’s not the worst thing I’ve seen a club tweet about a referee but I’d also be having a word with a player who said this to me, let alone undermining me in front of the entire league by tweeting it.

I’m especially annoyed since the “questionable” decision was a red card for their players OFFINABUS language towards me.

I’m happy to just ignore it as a fact of social media but also feel like I should do something in the same way I report a bike theft even though I know they don’t do much!

Thoughts welcome
Pass to your local RDO - they are set up to deal with social media issues (both club posts and those from match officials)
Thanks all! Wanted to make sure I wasn’t letting the side down by letting it go so they can do it to someone else who cares more. Will ignore
and some very questionable decisions from the referee
What's wrong with that? They're entitled to their opinion. Perfectly acceptable comment IMO. Ignore it or reflect on whether there's any truth in it.
That's it

Edit: sorry, didn't read earlier replies. I'm repeating what's been said above!
On the reverse of that I was made aware of this from a game the other week.
Ignore it. If I’m named then I’ll let the FA know but if they just want to sulk about my decisions and call me ‘the referee’, crack on.
On the reverse of that I was made aware of this from a game the other week.
View attachment 6463
So rare but enjoyable all the same.

Did an O/a County Cup semi (AR) a couple of years back and both clubs tweeted what a good game the 3 of us had.

What made it even better was it was the County's appointment officer who saw the tweets and passed to us.

OP - Yes very mild criticism and its barely that - all games contain questionable decisions!
At a grassroots level, how do you handle these?

I’ve just been sent a tweet from one of the clubs I refereed last week that states:

“Was a tough game today for ______, with an injured goalkeeper and some very questionable decisions from the referee, but the ladies battled right till the end.”

It’s not the worst thing I’ve seen a club tweet about a referee but I’d also be having a word with a player who said this to me, let alone undermining me in front of the entire league by tweeting it.

I’m especially annoyed since the “questionable” decision was a red card for their players OFFINABUS language towards me.

I’m happy to just ignore it as a fact of social media but also feel like I should do something in the same way I report a bike theft even though I know they don’t do much!

Thoughts welcome
I've had this happen to me a few times, just let it go, as long as you know you applied the LOTG effectively and consistently then their comments on social media are pointless. I regret complaining to an appointments secretary about it last time.

What I would love to do is wait to get the team again in the league, and when they contact me to confirm the game, reply in the most condescending way possible something along the lines of "Well, I'm very sorry, but seeing as the club did not appreciate my contributions last time, I won't be refereeing your game this weekend." With the shortage of referees, the chances they'll be appointed another one... slim.
What I would love to do is wait to get the team again in the league, and when they contact me to confirm the game, reply in the most condescending way possible something along the lines of "Well, I'm very sorry, but seeing as the club did not appreciate my contributions last time, I won't be refereeing your game this weekend." With the shortage of referees, the chances they'll be appointed another one... slim.
I have to disagree with that approach. Unless there are exceptional circumstances we, as referees, should not be refusing allocated fixtures. At the time clubs should not be able to refuse the allocated referee.
I have to disagree with that approach. Unless there are exceptional circumstances we, as referees, should not be refusing allocated fixtures. At the time clubs should not be able to refuse the allocated referee.
I will concede this is quite a reactionary approach and is a spiteful abuse of my position as a referee, would take a lot of tenacity to do!