Touchline Flags

Is this still meant to be happening today?
Evidently not 😂

I know from a friend who is in business that buying a trademark and / or patent is notoriously difficult if the company you are buying from has been dissolved, effectively the dissolved company has to be reincorporated. So it may be, if it is indeed happening, it is taking a lot longer than originally expected.
A&H International
I really hope they come back. I got a pair during Covid for cheap, shipping to the US not cheap, but these are the best. Lightweight and very well made.
Pushed back to the end of this month apparently. But it is happening according to an incredibly reliable source. I can’t wait, I’ve been after some Touchline’s for years
Guessing it will still be 6 months from then until stock is in. But exciting as I am not a huge fan of the ervocoms. Find them too long!