Rotherham Red Card for 'card wagging'

A&H International
Not defending the player, as they’re correctly penalised for their own actions, but it does seem a bit off-kilter how those two incidents are given the same punishment as absolutely clattering someone.

This seems the type of trivial stuff a sin bin would be good for. A blue card maybe, for being a bit of a nob.
Personally, I think the pro game should NOT have sin bins. Punishment should be as per laws of the game, and its great that is now happening. It may lead to short term increases in cards, but if its stuck to, it will get managers and players thinking twice about the sort of things we all want to see reducing. That is the only way behaviour in the pro game will change. That should then slowly trickle down to grass roots, where in the meantime sin bin is a good alternative (instant) punishment for dissent.
My understanding is that referees have visited every club to explain the new directives. If you've been told that waving an imaginary card WILL be a caution and you still do it then you are a fool, to do it when already on a caution is idiocy of the very highest order. As you can probably tell, I have zero sympathy, players have got away with nonsense for years and are going to have to quickly learn to behave.
If you've been told that waving an imaginary card WILL be a caution and you still do it then you are a fool, to do it when already on a caution is idiocy of the very highest order.

This all day long, and possibly part of tomorrow too...!