referee headbutts player - not!

Kent Ref

RefChat Addict
Through my RA connections i heard about a farcial case against a referee just before xmas.

A referee was accused of head-butting a player after the game. The ref is 65+

The player made a statement and sent it to the county. 3 of his team mates wrote statements but NONE of them said they saw the referee headbutt anybody.

The referee was charged and cleared at a hearing in December. He was sspended while this all went on - around 5-6 weeks.

The ref had to pay a fee to have an "in person" hearing but that money was refunded once he was cleared.

IF none of the supporting statements confirmed a headbutt how did the ref get charged at all?

How have we got to this ridiculous situation?
A&H International
It has to work the same both ways, if a referee accused a a player of headbutting them the player would be suspended pending a hearing. Why should it be any different if a referee is accused of the same offence? Age is irrelevant.
It has to work the same both ways, if a referee accused a a player of headbutting them the player would be suspended pending a hearing. Why should it be any different if a referee is accused of the same offence? Age is irrelevant.
Yes, but based off how I'm reading the original post, the statements to support the player didn't mention the act the referee was suspended for. At least our match/incident report will have a statement on the actual incident..
The point i was trying to make was the fact the EVIDENCE did not support a charge even being made.

The whole thing was fictional AND the referee did not referee for 5 or 6 weeks as a result.

The punishment for making a false declaration by the player = nothing. No charge or sanction at all.

BTW if a referee lied to get a charge raised i'd expect the book would be thrown at them and they would be charged.

The other point is make sure you are a member of the RA because sometime you need support.

You're sure NOT to be getting that from the county FAs. The scene has changed in 30 years and now County FAs care more for clubs than referees in my experience. Why? Because clubs fill up the county coffers, referees don't!
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The punishment for making a false declaration by the player = nothing. No charge or sanction at all.
Yes but you’d have to prove they lied and weren’t just mistaken or the other witnesses missed it. Usually means video evidence.

BTW if a referee lied to get a charge raised i'd expect the book would be thrown at them and they would be charged.
Again it would need proving but I’ve just been through a process like this on the other side (I’m the only prosecuting witness) and I wouldn’t have the book thrown at me just because the other witnesses don’t corroborate.

You're sure NOT to be getting that from the county FAs. The scene has changed in 30 years and now County FAs care more for clubs than referees in my experience. Why? Because clubs fill up the county coffers, referees don't!
It’s a shame you feel like this, not my experience in Wilts or London and in fact in that case I mention above they found in my favour (to my surprise).
The point i was trying to make was the fact the EVIDENCE did not support a charge even being made.

The whole thing was fictional AND the referee did not referee for 5 or 6 weeks as a result.

The punishment for making a false declaration by the player = nothing. No charge or sanction at all.

BTW if a referee lied to get a charge raised i'd expect the book would be thrown at them and they would be charged.

The other point is make sure you are a member of the RA because sometime you need support.

You're sure NOT to be getting that from the county FAs. The scene has changed in 30 years and now County FAs care more for clubs than referees in my experience. Why? Because clubs fill up the county coffers, referees don't!
That doesn't matter, it would be the same if a player was accused of a serious assault. They are interim suspended whilst the evidence is collected, and that can take a couple of weeks. If I was charged for allegedly assaulting a player I would want there to be a hearing to clear my name, if charges were just dropped that leaves a cloud hanging over you for ever more.

Not a huge amount different to life away from football. Plenty of people have been held on remand or police bail only for them to be found not guilty at a trial.