Fractured foot


RefChat Addict
So i've been doing lots of running and training in preperation for the new season, foot has been really sore for the past 3 weeks, even done a few tournaments and 6 hours on Sunday, went for an MRI scan on Monday to find out i've got a stress fracture in my 4th metatarsal.

4 Weeks in an air cast and then another scan to see how it's doing.

Any one got any tips for me to carry on trying to get fit and lose weight whilst not being able to run/walk??
A&H International
Rest is job one

Swimming when the cast is off? Is the best non weight bearing exercise. Possibly rowing as the foot gets a little stronger? High intensity interval training on the rower is killer.
It's deflating when you have been working hard and pick up an injury. Don't let that frustration push you into trying to train again before the foot bones are ready.

Might be worth considering your food intake also. Remember that you need a lot more calories when training and active than when you are inactive.

Chin up mate. Won't be long and you will be back, raring to go.
Think I'll get in the pool and at least do something!!
2 weeks chilling in Turkey from best week will help
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