Traveling distance to a match

mike mcgill

level 4 & cfa assesor
Level 4 Referee
ladies and Gents,
just a general enquiry/poll what's the furthest round trip traveling to a match.
for starters I have one on the 18th oct 14.
round trip picking asst up on the way to Easington Humberside 234 mile
can we do better
A&H International
Gateshead last season and opening day this year was a 350 round trip. I'm used to each outing being a long one if needed, just waiting for Grimsby or Kidderminster on a Tuesday night as they're always fun journeys.
Gateshead last season and opening day this year was a 350 round trip. I'm used to each outing being a long one if needed, just waiting for Grimsby or Kidderminster on a Tuesday night as they're always fun journeys.
Great but can we do further ??
Ive done 630 round trip. What do I win? :D

Drove from Cornwall to Peterborough for a game and back again, that wasn't the smartest thing ive ever done
Just to ask the question - and this thread seems to hit the nail on the head - what about from the other side? We are expected to go these distances but how do we fit it in around work? I've got a normal office job so can leave around 5 ish, could do half four at a push. Had a game the other night, FA Youth Cup, left at 1615Hrs, got accross London to the gound by 1840, then got a mouthfull of abuse from the Ref - who lived 3 streets away!

Sat afternoon KO I can understand, but midweek .....
Just to ask the question - and this thread seems to hit the nail on the head - what about from the other side? We are expected to go these distances but how do we fit it in around work? I've got a normal office job so can leave around 5 ish, could do half four at a push. Had a game the other night, FA Youth Cup, left at 1615Hrs, got accross London to the gound by 1840, then got a mouthfull of abuse from the Ref - who lived 3 streets away!

Sat afternoon KO I can understand, but midweek .....

can you report the referee for misconduct
agh, it gets better.

Other Assistant turned up in jeans and Ref shirt, gave a crap brief, all ****y about himself being the godliest of gods as he's just got his 4 and still under 24years old, needless to say he had a bad start, missed offside flag from the other side which had my benches up in arms, he came over after another poor decision and gave a mouthfull to the coaches such that had it been a player to me, he'd have been walking - what the f do you know eh coach, well then you shut the f up and sit down and see if you can get a fing goal.

The long pass from midfield, being to far and too quick for the striker so runs out the end, and its a corner.

Half-time, apparetnly I'm the one getting everything wrong, including the definition of a passback - if its passed back inside the area he can pick it up (!).

End of the game I'd say that 20% players shook all hands, 40 % just assistants, and the rest just mine and blanked the ref and assistant. Comments were directed AT me like "well done line-o, maybe we can have you in the midle next time", " shame he let you down line-o" etc, even the two left backs that I'd had a bit of banter with were on my side.

Not blowing my own trumpet but I know my decisions were right, and the benches agreed, but I was consistantly overruled (hey I am just there to assist not insist right?!?) so much so that I just waited for him to take the lead on everything them just followed. benches noted this and found it amusing.

Truely shocking to be on this end of seeing him fall and burn.

But to top it off "right guys, Those theams out there were out for us. Other line-o - thanks, good job, you did what I told you. To me - are you trying to wind me up, going against me? I saw which way they went and I gave them. This game goes no further. Putting 4 YC in (funny - didnt see any given) cos the need to learn." 'll see you upstairs - we're going to sit in the middle of the bar and keep the beer flowing till the kick us out. We need to look like a team."

Needless to say, showered, got my kit, did the plesentries and did one. Know the teams will report him, or give him 61, and I'll back them all the way.

Glad he's a 4 and fropm a dif county - not in my league and not in my county.

What a !"£$%^*()_)(*&^%$£$%^*(*&%$£"£$%^&*( $%^&*( £$%^&*$£"!"£$%^&*(
It's what confuses me about the fa; that they expect us to travel obscene distances to officiate when we all have jobs, families etc.
Ive done 630 round trip. What do I win? :D

Drove from Cornwall to Peterborough for a game and back again, that wasn't the smartest thing ive ever done
ross for you mate big hug next time were out together maybe a sausage roll too............................
agh, it gets better.

Other Assistant turned up in jeans and Ref shirt, gave a crap brief, all ****y about himself being the godliest of gods as he's just got his 4 and still under 24years old, needless to say he had a bad start, missed offside flag from the other side which had my benches up in arms, he came over after another poor decision and gave a mouthfull to the coaches such that had it been a player to me, he'd have been walking - what the f do you know eh coach, well then you shut the f up and sit down and see if you can get a fing goal.

The long pass from midfield, being to far and too quick for the striker so runs out the end, and its a corner.

Half-time, apparetnly I'm the one getting everything wrong, including the definition of a passback - if its passed back inside the area he can pick it up (!).

End of the game I'd say that 20% players shook all hands, 40 % just assistants, and the rest just mine and blanked the ref and assistant. Comments were directed AT me like "well done line-o, maybe we can have you in the midle next time", " shame he let you down line-o" etc, even the two left backs that I'd had a bit of banter with were on my side.

Not blowing my own trumpet but I know my decisions were right, and the benches agreed, but I was consistantly overruled (hey I am just there to assist not insist right?!?) so much so that I just waited for him to take the lead on everything them just followed. benches noted this and found it amusing.

Truely shocking to be on this end of seeing him fall and burn.

But to top it off "right guys, Those theams out there were out for us. Other line-o - thanks, good job, you did what I told you. To me - are you trying to wind me up, going against me? I saw which way they went and I gave them. This game goes no further. Putting 4 YC in (funny - didnt see any given) cos the need to learn." 'll see you upstairs - we're going to sit in the middle of the bar and keep the beer flowing till the kick us out. We need to look like a team."

Needless to say, showered, got my kit, did the plesentries and did one. Know the teams will report him, or give him 61, and I'll back them all the way.

Glad he's a 4 and fropm a dif county - not in my league and not in my county.

What a !"£$%^*()_)(*&^%$£$%^*(*&%$£"£$%^&*( $%^&*( £$%^&*$£"!"£$%^&*(

Sounds like a great guy...

mike was that downhill ??
Of course
Just to ask the question - and this thread seems to hit the nail on the head - what about from the other side? We are expected to go these distances but how do we fit it in around work? I've got a normal office job so can leave around 5 ish, could do half four at a push. Had a game the other night, FA Youth Cup, left at 1615Hrs, got accross London to the gound by 1840, then got a mouthfull of abuse from the Ref - who lived 3 streets away!

Sat afternoon KO I can understand, but midweek .....
Did you tell the referee when he made pre-match contact that you were travelling across London in rush hour and would be late? Did you keep him posted on your progress to the game?
It's what confuses me about the fa; that they expect us to travel obscene distances to officiate when we all have jobs, families etc.
Referee availability and willingness to travel is another one of the off-field measures of commitment used to differentiate between referees. It's a fact of life in all careers and walks of life that certain unwritten rules will be used to subtly de-select people from the process.
Referee availability and willingness to travel is another one of the off-field measures of commitment used to differentiate between referees. It's a fact of life in all careers and walks of life that certain unwritten rules will be used to subtly de-select people from the process.

Basically, once you reach level 4 you have to be prepared to be the FA's bitch if you want to stay at 4 or go higher!

Having a life is not an excuse.....and in certain circles is actually seen as a impediment to furthering your refereeing career!
Basically, once you reach level 4 you have to be prepared to be the FA's bitch if you want to stay at 4 or go higher!

Having a life is not an excuse.....and in certain circles is actually seen as a impediment to furthering your refereeing career!
Padfoot i cant comment being a bitch as being a 4 we must keep tight lipped as you say its part and parcel of wanting ti get on its not the tea boy who locks the office on a night its the supervisor,or manager same thing different job its life
Did you tell the referee when he made pre-match contact that you were travelling across London in rush hour and would be late? Did you keep him posted on your progress to the game?

I did tell him the distance and that I would try my best, and I did keep him posted on my progress - when in a safe place to do so as I was driving. 2 other asistants had already pulled out due to not being able to make the location after work.

Padfoot i cant comment being a bitch as being a 4 we must keep tight lipped as you say its part and parcel of wanting ti get on its not the tea boy who locks the office on a night its the supervisor,or manager same thing different job its life

Just wonder at what point we realise (and may accept) that we can not go any further, and thus can stick with maintaining the current potision at the ceiling. For some it may be 6, some 5 and some 4. I expect that for many refs ther are a mixture of "I want to go to the top and nothing can stop me (but not taking into account age, fitness, eyesight or life commitments)" and some who are not going to go any further regardless how hard they try.