
Southend United Supporter
Level 6 Referee
As I expected, if you play an all Premier League match on FIFA 15, the officials wear the new Nike referee kit with the Premier League logo and, of course, the EA Sports arm patches
A&H International
Lol - you may forget, I do not. I believe your use of the word children is no longer the accepted term for this age group. In fact it has been frowned upon since I was in school when adolescents was abandoned in favour of young adults.

On top of that FIFA is a game I am very familiar with, from my own youth through to now playing it with my own kid (that's my excuse to the wife anyway as to why I play it!). If you want a detailed breakdown of the development of the game and it's mechanics and advancements that is now FIFA 15, feel free to ask.
When you're 56, you do tend to forget more.

I believe that when 'adolescent' was abandoned, the word 'spotty' also went into terminal decline.

I did play fifa something with my son a few years back, but never mastered the art of pressing all those buttons on the console.

An historic moment for a man who had been the nintendo ds god on super mario to his children just a few years earlier
'Three buttons' ?

It says 'those' buttons on my screen

Are you blind, ref!.....or is it just another glitch in the system ;)