Charlie Jones

Work Until You Don't Have To Introduce Yourself
So...the time has come, my local RA meeting, no evening work to be done - i can finally sit my FIFA LOTG exam and resume refereeing!

wont lie...slightly nervous

1. for going into the room and introducing myself
2. for the 'what if' i dont pass

does anyone know how long til you find out the results??
A&H International
We did the test, they marked it, they gave us the results, all in the same evening :rolleyes:

Or am I misunderstanding you, charlie
not at all lol i misunderstood you! perfectly clear now haha

thats good, i hate waiting for the news!
Don't worry, ride the excitement and trust in your knowledge (I am sure you have been swotting the LOTG).

Go get em!
thanks for your comments!

completed the test last night and it has been submitted to the CFA, fingers crossed now!
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