Ball pump

A&H International
A pump is a pump at the end of the day buddy, they all do the same thing, I just have a cheap one I got at the RA conference this year!
Cheers guys I had an under 13 match last week and the match ball was under inflated and not one of the 2 managers had a pump between them and the other balls were of poor condition .cheers callum
I agree with Monkey.

The minute there's the slightest thing wrong with a ball you'll get the blame.

Check the pressure and the visuals.

I garantee if there's anything wrong with either of them and you throw the ball back they'll sort it.
Hi guys can anyone recommend a good ball pump for my refs kit bag cheers callum

The same place that you get the kits, captains armbands, balls, nets and corner flags from.

The home team!

Yours is to ensure that it is correct pressure not make it the correct pressure.

You enforce the LOTG not be the LOTG.

What if you burst their ball with your pump? Gonna cough up for a new one from your match fee?

Think not thanks.
I just think it's much easier to do it yourself, you hand it back to the home team, you don't know when your getting it back. Also you hand it back, they pump it up and you go to test it and it still isn't enough, your not going to be the most popular keep handing it back.
You do know when you will get the ball back. :)

When you remind them the game doesn't start and you will report the reason why it's started late as no suitable balls from the home team, you can rest assured they will get on the case of sorting it out straight away!
Thank you all for the posts every day or weekend is a school day with refereeing ,do you guys collect your ref fees before the start or at the end? Cheers callum
Check the thread on that subject.

Woe betide starting a new topic in a current thread when already covered.

@Supermonkey or @Ross insert link below ...

[Edit it's thread called Squaring Up] what took admin sooooo long to find this?
Don't get involved. Let the owning team of the ball do it.

I disagree here SM. Before the game, teams will supply me with at least two match balls (pref. a bag of all the ones being used during the game, no more than 4 or 5). I or one of my assistants will check the ball pressures with a gauge, get it to want we want, keep one, and then put the rest by the dugouts (or give them back to the manager if lower leagues).

If you want something done well, do it yourself.

When I was level 7 and 6 I still did this. Albeit I only got one or two balls, the manager would come in, give them to me, I checked them and if they needed more air I would find myself giving them back to sort out, and A) never see them again B) they came back still too flat (embarrassing when you have to ask again or C) having to chase which, again is embarrassing. If I had a ball pump myself, everything is sorted there and then.

All in all - to get something done, right, and quickly, have a ball pump.

Each to their own though!
0.6 to 1.1.

Get a pressure gaude and "scratch" the upper and lower onto the cover (know someone that has taped over the dial excet this range) so that i the needle is between them, you're all good.