

RefChat Addict
Was speaking to my Uncle in the US last night, and he says he was given offside at the weekend when behind the player passing the ball to him. This is of course, second hand info, so he may not have been behind, but it did prompt me to have a read of the LOTG.

Nowhere does it explicitly state that the offside player has to be in front of the player passing the ball. I couldn't find anything that would mean it wasn't offside....

I just assumed it was explicit in the LOTG!
A&H International
From Law 11 - Offside

A player is in an offside position if:
• he is nearer to his opponents’ goal line than both the ball and the
second-last opponent

That seems fairly explicit to me.
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From Law 11 - Offside

A player is in an offside position if:
• he is nearer to his opponents’ goal line than both the ball and the
second-last opponent

That seems fairly explicit to me.

There it is, looking at the LOTG in the middle of the night probably wasn't the best idea! :D

You're excused but, I use the middle of the night for sleeping. :cool:

Some red bull for the misses for Christmas this year then? ;)

I remember this coming up on another forum and believe it or not the general consensus was that if its passed backwards to a player it's still offside! God forbid if any of them started giving that in games!