Forgot to check subs name


Politically Incorrect
Had a game this morning, good game, finished 1-1 no major incidents and kept control throughout. Very pleased on the whole.

During the pre-match asked the managers for subs' names, away manager gives his first including spelling of surname (away team only have one sub). Home manager gives two, pretty straight forward.

Mid way through second half away team make the only sub of the game, I go across, tell the sub to stay off the pitch until he's been checked, check his kit, wait for player coming off to leave FOP, let him on.

Game carries on relatively uneventful, no more goals or cards etc, blow for FT.

Usual handshakes etc, across comes home manager who says 'well done ref, good game. Can I just ask the name of the sub?'

I give him the name I was given, off he goes. So it came as no surprise later when he asked for a word just after we'd left FOP.

He asks name I had for sub again, then shows me team sheet given from other manager with a different name as the sub, and says they know the player concerned quite well and his name is definitely as is on the team sheet.

Anyway, he says he's going to report it to the league which I'm sure they will, my only question is is there any comeback on me as I forgot to check the name with the player before he came on?
A&H International
So, if I follow that correctly, they played a substitute under a different name?
Effectively yes.

Although my concern is if the league ask my take on things and the question comes 'what name did the player give as he entered the FOP?' I obviously have to give the 'sorry, forgot to check'.
Ah, I see. Well they will almost certainly submit that. All you can do now is wait and if summoned tell your story honestly and accurately.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. We all make mistakes mate. Lesson learned though, next time, confirm the name!!