Junior/Youth Nothing on Sunadys till March

Callum Aris

Level 7 Referee
Hi all,
Just a quick question,
I'm currently referee the Staffs Girls League on a Saturday and the Mid Staffs Jnr Lg on a Sunday, but for some reason the boys league is not willing to restart until the early days of March due to the weather (which I thought was a bit strange due to the girls league going ahead) anyway do you think another league would let me join the for 3 months until my league restarts back up again at March? It's just that I don't want to miss a lot of matches as I want to gain more experience to get better and 3 months out is along time. (At least I still have Saturdays)
A&H International
You can only ask. Each league will have different attitude. Down my way most would rather keep you on permanenelty but then I only do Open age which is a different kettle of fish.

Junior leagues should be quite flexible

Certainly worth sending a few emails off.

I couldn't cope with 3 months off!
Ask your local RA / senior refs in your area who will know the contacts for local leagues you could join.
Thanks for all your comments guys think I've got it sorted now just in talk with lichfield league at the moment Cheers Guys:):):)