Open Age County Cup Semi Final Appointment


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
I had the email yesterday evening from my County FA to advise I have been appointed to referee a County Cup Semi Final in Febuary. Happy Days!! Hopefully I will get a final, even if as an assistant!

Its quite ironic as one of the sides I refereed in a league cup final last season, which they won.
A&H International
I had the email yesterday evening from my County FA to advise I have been appointed to referee a County Cup Semi Final in Febuary. Happy Days!! Hopefully I will get a final, even if as an assistant!

Its quite ironic as one of the sides I refereed in a league cup final last season, which they won.

Well done. I assume you will have neutral ARS, if so, a good idea to brush up on your pre match briefing, as I expect, like me, you don't get the pleasure of neutral ARs too often!
Well actually, and I am surprised, NO NARS!! I checked the handbook, and it says NRS (if appointed) and my County FA email confirms no NARS. I have my society meeting on Monday, and her person in charge of County Cup games will be there, so I will enquire (and ask if he could appoint someone). If I was a player / manager I would be expecting it for a County Cup Semi Final, with obviously a lot to play for.

I had about 4 games last season with NAR's which was great, semi finals and finals, also I am an assistant on the Combined Counties so no problem with briefings, however on this occasion I will be briefing CARS!
Expect not to have NAR, might still be on CAR and let you use your judgement to go with or overrule.

And if you have a County SF, Id be suprised if you got a F too, even on a different competition. Counties will have their people ranked by now and you positioning will be SF.

Say there are 4 competitions, the top 4 ref's of whatever level (4 / 5) will get the middles, with maybe the others getting the 4th officials on them, then moving down to the top 5 / 6 / 7's for the lines and or SFs

London - each year the SF / F are done on their previous 2 years performance, and you could only do them every other year so as to give others the chance. so having done a F last year I know that I wonlt have an this, but that this years performance, and next will count towards if i get anything next year.
To be fair a County Cup SF is a great honour, so I will be more than happy with that. Hopefully I will get a League Cup Final on either my Saturday or Sunday Leagues I referee on. To be fair, I am more interested in my promotion than a showpiece!
Just had an update, I now have appointed assistant referees. Well that makes my life a little easier!!
Congrats on the appointment. All the better it'll be decent teams as well.

I found out yesterday for County Cup in Essex they have changed the ruling this season that semis and finals cannot have the same refs. The secretaries are pretty annoyed as means they need to find a whole raft of refs to get the semis done as the normal protocol is to use all final refs, ARs and 4th officials to handle th majority of the semis as well. They've also been told a ref cannot do two county cup games on the same day, so I had a rather miserable county cup secretary on the phone last night moaning as he has three semis on the same day requiring 9 fairly decent refs!
Sounds like he needs to man up a bit. That's always been the procedure in herts. And 9 fairly decent refs? Essex has what? 12 or 15 hundred referees?

Just hope you dont get appointed to any of the semi finals then eh dave ;)