Brandishing the cherry


The avuncular one
Taking to a refereeing colleague earlier. He mentioned that he thought I showed a lot of red cards during my games. I know my number shown had increased, but was unsure of the numbers, so I had a quick look back:

28 middles (no point counting lines - not relevant)

12 red cards shown - 6 of which were shown in 2 games (3 each of those games)

The other 6 were shown in individual games - 1 each game The majority were for 2 x cautions, couple of dogso, OFFINABUS. I have sent 1 manager away also, not included in the numbers.

I know talking about cards is considered crass by some, I am certainly not boasting in any way. However, I am curious to see how this matches other peoples red cards figures?
A&H International
Bloody hell you're almost as bad as me! ;) I'm on 14 in 26 this season - I haven't given any out yet this calendar year though. Most of my reds have been for either S2 S6 or S7 and had a stage (november/december) where I was giving them out like confetti. It's slowed down a lot now thankfully! My most during a game is 3 - all for the same team. I seem to have got to the stage where teams behave themselves when they see me! (Famous last words :p)
I don't think it does any good to compare card count, only makes you question yourself where there is no other need, as you have done here monkey. I don't think its being crass.

We aren't comparing eggs with eggs - different leagues with different abilities, different level referees and different teams with different players.

The only way you'd get a true comparison was if we all refereed the same teams in the same league, and even then it would depend on certain fixtures and history etc.
I'm perhaps not representative given that I haven't reffed an OA game this season, but the vast majority of my 20 games have been U16+.

I've had four red cards this season, all of which came in one game and all of which were for VC.

Your card count doesn't seem particularly high to me. If you take out the two anomalies (six in two games), you're looking at six red cards in twenty-six games, or one every 4.5 games. Suddenly, that seems pretty 'normal'.

You can never really make a true comparison though, unless every ref takes charge of the same games in the same circumstances.
In my entire career, I've had fewer than 10RCs (maybe even fewer than 5 tbh). Of course, as best I can tell, the players here are far less mouthy than what you guys seem to be stuck with over in the UK, so that eliminates a large number of those right off, and I've been lucky enough not to have to deal with any mass confrontations.

I have had a couple of situations that, in retrospect, I should have sent off a player, but the way I look at it is... as long as I learn and don't repeat the experience, I'm prolly good.
3 Red cards in 17 or so games for me. All in individual games. 1x Offinabus, 1x second yellow, 1x DOGSO

I should have had more if it was not for personal problems meaning I was not mentally at 2 games at the start of the season which should have seen 2 reds a piece for OFFINABUS.

Saying that, 2 of the 3 reds have been on a league that I have thus far only officiated 3 games in. This is the interesting part:

League A: 14 Games, 14 Yellows, 1 Red
League B: 3 Games, 10 Yellows, 2 Reds

So definitely makes a difference on the league and ability (League B is the higher ability IMO)
25 middles this season, no reds. Could be due to me only doing youth football. But I have had a fair few cautions so far, not sure if the exact figure. It was apparently pointed out at the last RA meeting that the card count for the whole of the junior league this season is very high compared to previous seasons!