A head scratcher...

A&H International
having read some of the replies on here, i am certainly scratching my head

..... capn, you may be, too but why all the question marks and the capital letters - have they only just got keyboards in Oz or something

just wondering, like :)
I'm not going to give a caution for a dive when both teams think it's a penalty even if I think the striker has initiated the contact. They'd be expecting a red card and PK I'm not going to disappoint.

If it's a clear dive I'm going to give the caution.

I've got thick skin, comes in handy refereeing.
Not worth losing match control for a decision that no ones expecting that giving the penalty and red card won't affect my AOL.
Jacko flip the coin what happens if you have a player for simulation and you fall for it then you send whoever off
Please please please, young referees of refchat. Go with what you see, not being popular.

@Jacko has his goal of clambering up the slippery promotion pole at the cost of his refereeing soul it would appear. That's his thing, fair enough, each to their own. I just think there is a less weak way to achieve that goal. I might be wrong, jacko may be right. Who knows.
Please please please, young referees of refchat. Go with what you see, not being popular.

@Jacko has his goal of clambering up the slippery promotion pole at the cost of his refereeing soul it would appear. That's his thing, fair enough, each to their own. I just think there is a less weak way to achieve that goal. I might be wrong, jacko may be right. Who knows.
I know and those that play the game of being popular only get so far. After that point they are found out and slip down and out very quickly.
I'm not going to give a caution for a dive when both teams think it's a penalty even if I think the striker has initiated the contact. They'd be expecting a red card and PK I'm not going to disappoint.

If it's a clear dive I'm going to give the caution.

I've got thick skin, comes in handy refereeing.

Actually, what you're talking about is the absolute opposite of having a thick skin. I'm absolutely appalled that you think the best thing to do is send the keeper off and award a PK when you know it was a dive simply because you think that's the easier decision. Refereeing simply doesn't get weaker - or more wrong - than that.

Any assessor may mark you down if they can see the dive that you can't (and I don't know why you think it's guaranteed the assessor can't see it). If, upon questioning you you give that sort of disgraceful reasoning then the assessor should be slaughtering you in your report.

Aside from the fact that your decision is a perversion of what your role actually is (HINT: you're there for the game, the game isn't there just to help you feel like you've accomplished something), your reasoning is positively bizarre:

Doesn't matter if it's a blatant penalty, defence still normally goes ballistic. When there's even a hint of a possibility of a dive, it'll happen even more so. When there actually was a dive? It's absurd that you're worried about how the attack will respond than how the defence. No matter what you do, somebody will blow up here. That's the simple fact.

Though if you're a weak enough referee that you think the popular decision is all that matters then you're shooting yourself in the foot; players will go on about an unfair goal much harder than a missed penalty (which is no guarantee of a goal anyway).

Personally, I find those attitudes really offensive to refereeing. There's just so much wrong with that attitude it isn't funny.

I would give the caution. It would be a tough sell, they often are, but you can sell them.

However, if I was the only person to see a handball in the box? And no-one appeals? I'm going to have a difficult time giving that penalty. Selling decisions is often something that comes up, and is something we all need to think about at times.
Full agree with The Bstard.

IDFK, caution, good conviction when giving (strong whistle, aggressive directional signal, immediately into pocket and raise YC).

Likewise, if I'm the ONLY person in the world who's seen a handball in the box, there's ZERO chance I'm giving it! Why? Because if no-one else has seen it, I'VE probably got it wrong! Can anyone on here honestly say they've seen a penalty incident that has generated zero appeals? Never in my life! So if there's no appeal, there's no pen. This doesn't mean that every appeal is a pen by the way!
The World Cup 'phantom' penalty in 1998 between Norway and Brazil.

Nobody saw that but the referee. Cameras proved him correct (eventually).
Sure. I'll make sure I take a survey of all the players, cameramen and spectators. before I make a decision in the future. Makes perfect sense.
'In the opinion of the referee.........as long as everyone else agrees'

It's just like Animal Farm
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"...and from nowhere here comes Tealeaf storming up the outside, and in from the left of the field..."

Changed direction, and made sure his foot hits the 'keeper? Defensive free kick. Left his foot in on the goalkeeper, foul on the goalkeeper. No need for any card potentially.


It's a cup final, blame the assistant if he/she flags for a penalty! #teflonshirt

One of these is humour; the other is advice. Take your pick - I have seen both happen!