Shoes or boots


Well-Known Member
had a game the other night on a perfectly flat pitch with the grass being perfectly dry so decided to wear shoes on grass for first time and actually enjoyed it.

Anyone else wear shoes on grass, or does it tend to be boots?
A&H International
I have worn nothing but moulds in the last 8 years , find them just as comfy as trainers in any weather !
Always moulds for me, I think wearing 'flats' looks a bit silly (especially as my trainers are bright orange!). Can understand why people do it though.
I have Astros which I break out what the ground is rock hard. Otherwise moulded do the trick.
There are a number of local refs that wear all-black cross-country running shoes in most weather. When it's wet or the ground is soft, then just about everyone breaks out their studs.

I tend to wear turf mundials unless the ground is really soft, then I'll wear my (all black) playing six-studs for grip.
Nike tiempo for me. Slightly wet or worse and I wear medium studs. Dry, hard or astro and I use my astro turf boots/shoes.

Always black though with a little white. Pet hate of mine is referees wearing bright coloured boots or trainers. Nothing necessarily wrong with it, I just don't like it