Assessment 2- 5 to 4

These sorts of anomalies are rare. They tend to form in the early part of the marking season (due to only a handful of games being involved for a referee) but by the end, a pretty accurate picture is taken. The other reason this can happen is that a referee is officiating differently when NOT being assessed, but has not clicked that by doing that (e.g. by not cautioning to 'do a club a favour') they are damaging themselves in the eyes of the clubs.
As an example, I was 4th man on a game where a referee did the classic "Give a corner / Oops it's clearly not a corner / Find a free kick to the defence". It was very obvious. Did either club thank him for it? No. Both managers were chatting on the touchline and saying to each other that they were going to mark him down as a result.
Club marks do involve the whole package, which is why the FA have a "Manage the event" coaching theme in the senior game. I would never say you have to nod and agree in the boardroom. However, being open and honest is the way to go. When I've listened to clubs talking about the infamous "last week's referee" it is generally NOT about decisions (penalties and the like) but tends to be things like: "He was arrogant", "We couldn't talk to him", "He wouldn't admit he was wrong". You don't have to admit you were wrong if you genuinely don't believe that, but empathy for the club point of view is essential.
Unfortunately, they're not as rare as I'd hope. There was a ref on my league who was regularly high for assessors and low for clubs, to the extent where in his penultimate marking season as a 4, he was AE! Not cos he was arrogant etc, but he refereed to LOTG properly!
Yes, I'll agree that arrogance etc is a mark-killer

And out of curiosity, this is the same system used to get you to level 2 hopefully?:)
Yes Paul, same from 4-3, 3-2b & 2b-2a
A&H International
And out of curiosity, this is the same system used to get you to level 2 hopefully?:)

It changes a little bit for level 3s.

A _single_ merit table is constructed based on assessment and club marks. However, club marks are weighted to have half the importance of the assessment marks. That is an understandable change, and having the single merit table naturally makes it a LOT clearer to see where a referee sits compared to his / her peers.

From my POV, this would be a sensible change to put in place on the supply leagues as well.
Technically @Mewcenary there are actually 4 merit lists for Level 3s. You have the standard assessors/club lists but then a combined list as you describe and then a further annual retention list (compiled in the same way as the overall list but will 1st year refs, SG ARs and FL ARs in top 50% not included).

The FA have the promotion criteria worded sufficiently vaguely that they don't make clear whether it is the individual assessor/club lists or the combined list with all referees included that is used for promotion purposes. The retention one is obviously used as the measure to remove the 30 lowest ranked referees each season.
If I ever get to level 3 I just want to become a lino As I'm most better at it but I find that club marks are not humaine thinking at all