First Season

Steve Curtis

New Member
This was my first year as a qualified referee. After refereeing my sons junior team for a few years as a club official I decided to take the plunge.
My first years stats are these:
51 games (seniors & juniors)
1 cup final (middle)
Not bad for a first season. I've really enjoyed my games this year & look forward next season. But for now its feet up, look forward to my holiday & wait for next years fixtures to come out.
A&H International
Nice one Steve! Interestingly, very similar to my route into reffing and after my first season I was 'bitten by the bug' so much that I applied for promotion the following March and am now attempting 6 to 5 :) .. you may have started down a dangerous path ... :rolleyes:
Exactly the same route as me, although I stick mainly with youth and some vets thrown in. Unfortunately still being heavily involved with my son's club its yet more time I can't spend addressing the wife's to-do list... ;)
Well done on your first season. To get the final, you must be doing something right...

4 tips.... 1. dont put your feet up too much....keep the fitness levels up so you are ready for the next season....
2. Try to get the best quality of matches rather than quantity.
3. Apply for promotion. You obviously enjoy it and earned that final...so......
4. Give bags of time to your good lady during the break...... she missed you and washed your kit 51 times this season.....
Thanks for all your replies, much appreciated. Just been told that I'm up for the junior referee award with my senior league so I'm even more glad to have taken up the middle. Ill let you all know how I get on. Fingers crossed.