Well that was amusing

The Bstard

Active Member
Line yesterday. Ball is hoofed away from the area, leaving two players tangled on the ground. Ref follows play, which breaks quickly and results in a shot on goal (wide, I believe)

However, while the ball was still in the middle of the park, the defender stands and kicks the attacker on the floor in the penalty area in front of me. I flag like crazy, but it takes until the ball is out of play for the ref to see me. The keeper at this point is holding the attacker to stop him from retaliating.

Ref comes over, we have a little chat, red card comes out, and he starts wandering back to the goal kick. I call him over again, explain it should be a penalty (which he realises) and we proceed to confuse every player on the park by awarding the penalty. Amusing.
A&H International
Had this in a County Qtr Final about 7 years ago. The resulting penalty levelled the scores with 3 minutes to play and I was subjected to threats of violence and had a lump of mud the size of a melon thrown at me (hit my shoulder). Was also threatened with being shot (very realy threat considering the location of the game). The game went to ET and penalties. At that stage the home team (who had been winning 2-1 with 3 minutes to go), lost on penalties. It was an "interesting" departure from the field and ground.
Had this in a County Qtr Final about 7 years ago. The resulting penalty levelled the scores with 3 minutes to play and I was subjected to threats of violence and had a lump of mud the size of a melon thrown at me (hit my shoulder). Was also threatened with being shot (very realy threat considering the location of the game). The game went to ET and penalties. At that stage the home team (who had been winning 2-1 with 3 minutes to go), lost on penalties. It was an "interesting" departure from the field and ground.

You were threatened with being shot and didn't look to abandon the game?!
You were threatened with being shot and didn't look to abandon the game?!
Correct. You have to understand it was all talk designed to intimidate and it didn't work. Had many a laugh at the same ground when working the Supply Leagues in and around Leeds. Like the time we had to barricade ourselves in the changing room while the home team tried to break the door down. Fun times.
So...did you dismiss the player, if it was one, who threatened your life?
I was on the line and it was a spectator. Funnily enough, another spectator offered to show me on his camcorder that the defender hadn't kicked the attacker. I politely declined, as did the referee.
Interesting. While it may have not intimidated you, what if this was a newer referee, who is more likely to be intimidated, who after having his life threatened decides to leave the game. That's my issue here. Let this stuff go and people think it's acceptable. There's a reason why there are so few refs in the game
Interesting. While it may have not intimidated you, what if this was a newer referee, who is more likely to be intimidated, who after having his life threatened decides to leave the game. That's my issue here. Let this stuff go and people think it's acceptable. There's a reason why there are so few refs in the game
Callum, thanks for your comments. You are quite correct and if this happened today I would deal with the incident in a different way. I still wouldn't be intimidated though.
Sorry if I came across poorly Brian... I'm just tired of clubs, leagues, the FA, seemingly everyone in footballs attitude towards referees... No where near enough is done to keep referees in the game, particularly inexperienced ones
Sorry if I came across poorly Brian... I'm just tired of clubs, leagues, the FA, seemingly everyone in footballs attitude towards referees... No where near enough is done to keep referees in the game, particularly inexperienced ones
Callum, just to repeat myself, you were correct. The reason not enough is done to keep referees in the game is that there isn't enough resources to deal with the damage dealt out each week by teams. As I said at a meeting last week, when a player starts playing football no one expects them to be Lionel Messi overnight but they expect every new referee to be Howard Webb straight off their course.