Procedure when abandoning a game


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
So was chatting to a refereeing friend of mine who had a game at the weekend. Fairly nasty and in the end was threatened by one of the players so decided to call it a day. But then said it struck him he didnt really know what the procedure was and said it kinda got a bit chaotic as looked very much like he was flouncing off for no reason. He then said it took ages to leave as basically everyone there was asking him what was going on, and he said the more he explained it to people he felt sort of embarrassed as felt he'd blown it out of proportion.

He asked me and I'm extremely fortunate I've never had to abandon a game for anything like that. Only ever had to stop a game for a few minutes due to an extreme down pour of rain. So I was wondering for the benefit of both old and new referees what steps should one take if you abandon. Do you blow a full time whistle, who do you inform etc?
A&H International
I guess you just inform the home/away club official and leave it to them to communicate the abandonment to their players/officials/supporters, after you have informed them, go home.
If you have not been paid, probably not worth hanging around for!! Presumably you would get recompensed by the league.
After an incident, I called both mangers in, told them what had happened and blew full time.

Collect fee, start the car, get the hell out of dodge. Home. Ring cfa to inform them of the threat. Bath. Write up your reports. Beer. Forget about it until the inevitable disciplinary hearing.
Blah de blah de blah de "im going to effing knock you the uck out ref".

Look up, identify the offender, call captains over and to a neutral part of the pitch. Tell them the score - Reds captain, your nr X / the guy with stubble has just threatened to knock me the uck out. Weather he meant it or not, I am abandoning the game with immediate effect. Please do not try and talk me out of it, my mind is made up. I 'll blow for full time, be getting my back and making my way off.

Thats why i get my match fee up front - in a joking way I ask for my "bribe" or to get the paperwork sorted. If I havent, I;d leave it and get the leage to sort it out
if you deal with everything calmly then I see no reason why you cannot ask the manager for your fee after - sometimes the manager might understand the circumstance (although be annoyed at them)
Here in Aus, you: (yes there is a list)
  1. Inform the coaches.
  2. Blow full time.
  3. Inform grounds manager.
  4. Run away very quickly.
  5. Write a written report.
  6. Send a report to FFA.
  7. IF it has physical abuse, send report to the police and verbal statement.
And if you don't do all these (like talk to the fuzz) and the committee goes over it, they will most likely side with the clubs if you don't do it properly.