
A&H International
Disgusting behaviour from players. I don't personally experience any massive abuse, as I know it's part of the job and I'm fully expecting it to happen though.
But this is unacceptable...
It so is not part of the job.

Abuse is never good, but for the most part it's just words. Real threats of violence are different. You suddenly realise just how alone and exposed you are on a football pitch. And there is nothing you can really do, you just have to take it and respond in the expected "professional" manner. Let me tell you that this can really mess with your head, especially if the threat is from someone who wouldn't say boo to you if they saw you in the street. The adrenaline is going and you aren't allowed to at least tell him what you are really thinking and how he should go forth and multiply (let alone giving him a good shaking)? It's not fun, I sincerely hope I am never in that position again.

I have never been actually attacked, but I suspect that take what I just said and x 10.
It is part of the job....but that doesn't justify it nor mean it has to remain part of the job. Getting assaulted is part of what's inevitable in a copper, but that doesn't mean they can't minimise that risk, and it doesn't justify it or mean they have to tolerate it. It's not written into the job description - it's just something that, unfortunately, happens. A lot.
It's part of the job in the sense that, unfortunately, you inevitably have to deal with it. People say 'it's part of the job' without stopping to think what it means.

It's a bit like when people leave rubbish on the shelves at your local department store...yes, it's the job of the staff to clean that up, but only because people force them to deal with it! It's circular reasoning to condone abuse then say 'it's part of your job'
On a lighter note, haven't seen this as benefit of refereeing before!

".......but refereeing has given me a lot of confidence and helped me with my personal life and my love life.":p