Disciplinary Hearing.....


Had my first ever disciplinary hearing today, not going to discuss the details but, the accused turned up in bright fluorescent work jacket caked in oil/dirt,work boots covered in dry mud/ manager in trainers, trousers(i think), t-shirt, and one witness dressed in track suit bottoms t-shirt, shoes...... good impression innit ? Myself dressed in suit/decent shirt/ FA Tie and pukka black shoes. If i say so myself i looked the dogs gonads..... did one show them up a tad? you bet !!
Had all my relevant paperwork blah! blah! All they kept referring to was a live twitter feed they done on the day(printed out)...wasn't even accurate times etc. Their big drawback was the accused player was listed as a sub, but he did play on k.o. they were told he should have been on top/middle of list as a starting player not in the subs listings.
A&H International
Few things to consider that you have not provided us with - what time of day was the hearing, how far from any one or everyone's work / home had people had to travel?

Reason I say this is maybe, just maybe, th guy is not the most intelligent guy in the world, works hard and long hours to support his other half and probably their young kid or two, with pressures from both sides whist bing niggled at by his boss for having the wrong colour safety gloves on.

He goes out for a game on a Saturday pm to get away from work / life / stresses of the world and for whatever reason you gave a him a RC for whatever happened (appreciate details witheld).

Having got home his other half hears that he's been sent off and that it's £XX that he's got to pay, which they may, or may not have to spare for his stupid 30 seconds. So in an attempt to appease the situation he appeals against the decision.

The timing and location of the hearing that is scheduled is a mix of time and distance such that he needs to get out of work bang on time, or even ask for half hour early etc such that he can get the X miles at further cost. Judging by your description of a standard site worker, he's probs on a 10 - 12hr shift a day. His manager (whatever his situation is) saying that their live twitter feed is enough to get his money back (after all they have to pay a deposit to get a hearing, which the team lose is they lose their appeal!).

So at what point does he have time to get home, get sh*t showered and shaved, to get dressed up and THEN get to wherever he needs to be, only to be met by (in his potential opinion) the smug twit that gave him the card is stood there looking like an effing penguine what with his suit shirt, tie, shiney shoes, looks-like-he's-got-the-easy-life-and-never-done-a-days-work-in-his-life Referee........

Appearances can be deceptive, very! Laws are law and we apply them equally every minute of every game.

Out of interest, could you re-write the post but this time, imagine that not the worker in his work gear and his manager in tracksuit had turned up, but that he'd got out of his chauffeir driven Bentley, suited and booted, persona assistant with video evidence, 6 witnesses and his qualified barriester with him.

And you, with your relevent paperwork, but still looking like the "dogs gonads" - would they show you up a tad? you bet !!

TBH surprised anyone from Preston owns a suit!
Ouch indeed...HRW has a point though. I used to work in construction before I joined the RN... Hardest work I've ever done! Labour intensive, rubbish pay etc etc....

Mikedn, whilst making a good appearance is obviously your prerogative and important to you... It may not be someone else's particulary for a red card offence... Would I dress up if I was going to a hearing to have a red I earned overturned? No chance... Jeans and a t shirt, or my work uniform if I have no time between work and the hearing venue. Would I dress up if I was in a court of law where a good impression is neccessary? Of course.

I'm not having a go, but the important thing is that they turned up :)
Few things to consider that you have not provided us with - what time of day was the hearing, how far from any one or everyone's work / home had people had to travel?

Reason I say this is maybe, just maybe, th guy is not the most intelligent guy in the world, works hard and long hours to support his other half and probably their young kid or two, with pressures from both sides whist bing niggled at by his boss for having the wrong colour safety gloves on.

He goes out for a game on a Saturday pm to get away from work / life / stresses of the world and for whatever reason you gave a him a RC for whatever happened (appreciate details witheld).

Having got home his other half hears that he's been sent off and that it's £XX that he's got to pay, which they may, or may not have to spare for his stupid 30 seconds. So in an attempt to appease the situation he appeals against the decision.

The timing and location of the hearing that is scheduled is a mix of time and distance such that he needs to get out of work bang on time, or even ask for half hour early etc such that he can get the X miles at further cost. Judging by your description of a standard site worker, he's probs on a 10 - 12hr shift a day. His manager (whatever his situation is) saying that their live twitter feed is enough to get his money back (after all they have to pay a deposit to get a hearing, which the team lose is they lose their appeal!).

So at what point does he have time to get home, get sh*t showered and shaved, to get dressed up and THEN get to wherever he needs to be, only to be met by (in his potential opinion) the smug twit that gave him the card is stood there looking like an effing penguine what with his suit shirt, tie, shiney shoes, looks-like-he's-got-the-easy-life-and-never-done-a-days-work-in-his-life Referee........

Appearances can be deceptive, very! Laws are law and we apply them equally every minute of every game.

Out of interest, could you re-write the post but this time, imagine that not the worker in his work gear and his manager in tracksuit had turned up, but that he'd got out of his chauffeir driven Bentley, suited and booted, persona assistant with video evidence, 6 witnesses and his qualified barriester with him.

And you, with your relevent paperwork, but still looking like the "dogs gonads" - would they show you up a tad? you bet !!

TBH surprised anyone from Preston owns a suit!
Well Columbo you want your monies worth.... i'm only going to say that it was an U18 player come with his dad, hearing at 18.00 and we were all waiting at least half an hour before we went in. In my book that's plenty of time to change into something clean and tidy.
IMO anybody that turns up to a disciplinary hearing at County FA HQ should come dressed sensibly.......And i thought all referees own a decent suit for those special occasions.........even from Preston. :p:p:p
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Ouch indeed...HRW has a point though. I used to work in construction before I joined the RN... Hardest work I've ever done! Labour intensive, rubbish pay etc etc....

Mikedn, whilst making a good appearance is obviously your prerogative and important to you... It may not be someone else's particulary for a red card offence... Would I dress up if I was going to a hearing to have a red I earned overturned? No chance... Jeans and a t shirt, or my work uniform if I have no time between work and the hearing venue. Would I dress up if I was in a court of law where a good impression is neccessary?
Ouch indeed...HRW has a point though. I used to work in construction before I joined the RN... Hardest work I've ever done! Labour intensive, rubbish pay etc etc....

Mikedn, whilst making a good appearance is obviously your prerogative and important to you... It may not be someone else's particulary for a red card offence... Would I dress up if I was going to a hearing to have a red I earned overturned? No chance... Jeans and a t shirt, or my work uniform if I have no time between work and the hearing venue. Would I dress up if I was in a court of law where a good impression is neccessary? Of course.

I'm not having a go, but the important thing is that they turned up :)

You are going to your County FA in jeans ?:eek:
Read the post... Not as a referee. As a player, I'd go in jeans. It's not a ceremonial event, it's a hearing...
Ouch indeed...HRW has a point though. I used to work in construction before I joined the RN... Hardest work I've ever done! Labour intensive, rubbish pay etc etc....

Mikedn, whilst making a good appearance is obviously your prerogative and important to you... It may not be someone else's particulary for a red card offence... Would I dress up if I was going to a hearing to have a red I earned overturned? No chance... Jeans and a t shirt, or my work uniform if I have no time between work and the hearing venue. Would I dress up if I was in a court of law where a good impression is neccessary? Of course.

I'm not having a go, but the important thing is that they turned up :)

I am amazed to hear this from you DB.
You work for an organisation where I've seen people referred to as **** based 100% on their shoes or trouser creases.
Non of my business, but your view on this will hold you back (rightly or wrongly) when you are going for your PO (I stand by to be told you are already CPO :D )

And whilst I wouldn't get upset over a lack of a tie, jeans and t shirt IS NOT acceptable rig for a disciplinary hearing.
Shoes, trousers and polo shirt are fine. (Hardly dressing up)
I am amazed to hear this from you DB.
You work for an organisation where I've seen people referred to as **** based 100% on their shoes or trouser creases.
Non of my business, but your view on this will hold you back (rightly or wrongly) when you are going for your PO (I stand by to be told you are already CPO :D )

And whilst I wouldn't get upset over a lack of a tie, jeans and t shirt IS NOT acceptable rig for a disciplinary hearing.
Shoes, trousers and polo shirt are fine. (Hardly dressing up)

My work uniform is spot on all the time, shoes always polished and creases as sharp as razor blades. The fact I was promoted to LH in 2.5yrs (picked my rate up at 3yrs) hopefully acknowledges that (other than the fact I like to think I'm good at my job). I've just had my report for this year with high recommendation for PO so hopefully I'll get it.

I'll be honest with you, if I was called to a hearing as a player, I would be in smart casual.. I may even opt for shirt and trousers, I think it completely depends on the hearing. I did go to one two years ago when a team mate of mine was racially abused, rightfully due to the nature of the hearing, I was in trousers, shirt and shoes.

One thing I will point out, what gives me such a casual attitude with regards to the hearing is that I very much doubt I'd find myself in front of a disciplinary committee. I've been playing men's football for twelve years... 2 yellows (one this season on the game I qualified as a referee on. 12 refs including myself officiated a Sunday league game. I play for one of the teams. Once I'd done my stint on the line and in the middle, I knitted up and played the rest of the game... Put in a challenge, rightfully got cautioned). My only other yellow came from kicking the ball away, I never heard the whistle and continued to shoot at goal. I doubt I'd ever see a red card or put myself in a position where I'd need to attend a hearing to defend my actions or plead my innocence :)
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My work uniform is spot on all the time, shoes always polished and creases as sharp as razor blades. The fact I was promoted to LH in 2.5yrs (picked my rate up at 3yrs) hopefully acknowledges that (other than the fact I like to think I'm good at my job. I've just had my report for this year with high recommendation for PO so hopefully I get it.

Must be an ME. Only god's own branch get promoted that fast! :)
:rolleyes: Aircraft Engineering Technician. I specialise in Avionics :)
Tell me about it, you can't take them anywhere.
I knew marines who always carried a dress in their kit "just incase".
You say that as if it's frowned upon? Lol :ninja:

I'm running the line for the crabs tomorrow, RAF St Mawgan vs RAF Benson in the RAF Cup... That should be interesting